1. Unzip the files, copy the file to Maya's plugin path (e.x. C:\Users\UserName\Documents\maya\version\plug-ins)
2. Copy the AEsphericalDeformerTemplate.mel to Maya's script path (e.x. C:\Users\UserName\Documents\maya\version\scripts)
1. Within Maya, enable from plug-in manager.
2. Import SphericalDeforming.mel and run the script to deform geometry.
Spherical Radius: maximum distance to push the points away from the center.
Spherical Strength: the amount fo deformation, negative value shall pull the points to the center.
Auto Compute Radius: when this option is on, Spherical Radius is not useable, the radius will be decided by the distance from center to the fastest vertex.
Use Boundingbox Center: use bounding box center as deforming center, when this option is off, deforming center is defined manually by Custom Deform Center
Use World Coordinate: force the deforming center to be computed in world coordinate.
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