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Spiral Along Curve 1.8.1 for Maya (maya plugin)

This script draw spiral curves along the curve you selected

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  • 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:05/09/2016
File Size: 13.8 KB



This script can generate multiple spiral curves along the selected curve.

To run this script, you can copy all the code into the script editor and execute. Or you can copy the into Maya's default script folder, and run the code below in script editor:
    import spiral_along_curve

 Spiral Name: specify the name of the curves to be created. If multiple curves to be generated, they'll be named prefixed by this text.

 Spiral Count: control how may curves to be created. If more than one curve to be generated, they'll evenly distribute around the section of the selected curve.

 Radius: radius of the spiral curve(i.e. the distance form each point on the spiral to the closest position on the reference curve)
The ramp editor below will add additional scale effect to the radius across the reference curve.

 Step: this script needs to sample along the reference curve; the less the step, the more dense the sample and you'll get more spirals. This parameter is sensitive, treat it carefully.

 Ratio Step: control the rate the spiral sweep through the reference curve. The effect of this parameter depends on the curve you select, you may have to try multiple times to get a proper value.

 Group Name: since a set of curves may be created, this parameter can specify a group to hold the curves and keep your scene order. You can type in the name of a group node already exists or if the node doesn't exist a new group will be created. If you leave this parameter empty, all the curves will be put under the world.

 P.S. I recommand rebuilding the reference curve before you run this script. Rebuilding can clamp the parm of the curve between 0~1 and the distribution of the parm will be more even. If you don't want to rebuild your curve, check out the min/max parm of the curve in the attribute editor before you run the script. The max parm / step approximatetly indicates the number of iteration this script will take. A hand-drawing curve could have a dramatic max parm which leads to a huge number of step and may crush your system.

Update 2015.9.3
 This script is rewritten as a node for now. The node version is more precise and easire to use, check out the for full description of the spiral node.

Update 2015.9.26
A new 'Restrict Point Count' mode is added which provides another aspect to generate the spiral curve and can avoid most potentially memory leaking issues.

P.S. For full descriptions of Spiral Curve Node, check the in the pacakage :) 

Update 2016.2.23
Update for missing one step of installation. 

Update 2016.5.9
Update the help script for create spiral and make DG connection, this script now will select the spiral node and spiral curve and then active the attribute editor for it. You can check the script in `create_spiral.mel`

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