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Ninja Dojo (Grand Master) w/Ninja City & Ninja Forge 7.0.0 for Maya (maya script)

Ninja Dojo scripts with Ninja City

(qty: 1)

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  • 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016

Operating Systems

  • Linux
  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:04/08/2019
File Size: 115 MB

Ninja Dojo (Grand Master) w/Ninja City & Ninja Forge
compatible with Maya 2016-2018 

Some Features will not be available in all versions of Maya

Installing Ninja Dojo:
Windows Install:
1. Unzip the file to your Root Drive.  Most likely C:.

2. Copy this line into your script Editor: 
source "C:/Ninja_Dojo/Ninja_Dojo.mel"; Ninja_Dojo("C:/Ninja_Dojo/");

3. Drag and Drop the line onto a Shelf to create  a button. 

Mac Install:
1. Unzip the file to your Root Drive.  Most likely MacHD:.
2. Copy this line into your script Editor: 
source "/Ninja_Dojo/Ninja_Dojo.mel"; Ninja_Dojo("/Ninja_Dojo/");
3. Drag and Drop the line onto a Shelf to create  a button. 

Ninja Dojo Scripts:

1. Ninja_Mesh
2. Ninja_UV
3. Ninja_Fracture
4. Ninja_Light
5. Ninja_Rename
6. Ninja_Asset
7. Ninja_Speed Box
8. Ninja_Topo
9. Ninja_Column
10. Ninja_Export
11. Ninja_Icons
12. Ninja_ChainReaction
13. Ninja_City
14. Ninja_Forge  

7.0 updates

Ninja Dojo 7.0
1. Added tool search

Ninja UV 7.0
1. Added tool search
2. Added ini file for material suffix
3. UV sets Editor now single click to change UV. Double click to display that UV set on obects.
4. fixed UV selection when running UV mapping.
5. fixed preview UV.
6. Fixed Assign Material for StingrayPBS when using a mix maps.
7. Red/Green/Blue Channel updates the StingrayPBS
8. Material Library works correcly with all Material types
9. Added Get and Rename Material
10. Added Grid Overlay in the Material Overlay
11. Added ability to change frame and button colors UV UI--> Ninja UV Config
Ninja Mesh 7.0
1. Added tool search
2. Added Re-mesh and Re-Topo
3. Added UCX Collision
4. Added Bezier to Nurbs and Nurbs to Bezier in Spline Tools
5. Added Remove Bevel Optimizer to Bevel and Optimize
6. Added Align Best Plane to Align Objects and Components
7. Added Calculate to Corner Align.This will help calculate the best Align
8. Added ability to change frame and button colors Mesh UI--> Ninja Mesh Config
Ninja Export
1. Added Batch Import


---------------------------------- Ninja Dojo Videos ----------------------------------

--------------------------------- Ninja Mesh Videos ----------------------------------


-------------------------------- Ninja Fracture Videos --------------------------------


----------------------------------- Ninja UV Videos -----------------------------------



-------------------------------- Render Ready Videos --------------------------------




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