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Node Colors Toolbar 1.3.0 for Nuke (nuke plugin)

Addition to the Nuke UI for fast node color selection.

Button download


  • 6.x

Operating Systems

  • Linux
  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:07/21/2015
File Size: 22.8 KB


Color, Organize

I made this at work one day on some free time. It's just a quick set of python commands that tell Nuke to change the color of any selected nodes to a specific, pre-defined color from the toolbar. As of right now, this is only my second release and have made it a little easer. I cleaned up the for personal use including, but not limited to; making your own color pallette and building onto what is already here.

The idea behind this toolbar is to give you a faster sense of organizing your script and keeping things like read nodes, dots, backdrops, etc., color coded for quick navigation. This toolbar is only in it's primitive stage right now, but I will be adding some cool features to it as time goes on. 

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