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3pt light setup 1.0.0 for Maya

3pt lighting scene for demo renders in maya 7.0

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  • 2008, 8.x, 7.x


Last Modified:02/28/2008
File Size: 767 KB
Here is a scene I put together in Maya 7.0 that consists of a backdrop and shader. The scene is fully light for for shooting previews of your 3D work. Just import your subject, position the camera and hit render.

lighting consists of:

Backdrop soft lights x 3
Key light x 1
Rim light x 1
Fill light x 1

Aside from being already set up to render your images, I also include my awesomely cool subject bench which tool me all of 5 minutes to make. I hope you like this scene and I hope it brings you a LOT of use in the futures.

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