This script creates a series of uniformly spaced joints on a curve, with a maximum of 500 joints. It has an interactive slider which updates the number of joints on the selected curve, and can parent these joints and orient them after the joint editing process. During joint creation, the curve shape can be tweaked and the joints will follow its new shape. This script operates as a shelf button, and you must have a nurbs curve selected before execution. -Updates- A new version of the script is now in the Beta testing phase. The new spine maker now has two distinct functions: one is to create joint chains, and the other is to create motion pathed joints. Under joint chains, you can create either bare or spline ik'd joint chains. You can create an oridinary spline ik joint chain, one with stretchyness, or one which employs the Divine Spine setup created by Erick Miller. You also have the option to use ordinary joint orientation, or smart orient. Under motion pathed joints, you have the option to create just a simple group of motion pathed joints, or joints with a cycle or retract attribute, or a setup with both attributes. The new interface has multiple options for joint orientation and display, as well as separate interfaces for setting up the lores joint hierarchy for the Divine Spine, as well as the spineBreaker, the interface used to clean up and delete existing spineMaker setups. Script is useful for the creation of simple or complex spine setups, and now has the added functionality of being able to accomodate caterpillar track-like setups. Since this script is still in beta testing, some parts of the interface are as of yet non-functional. The parenting function is still non-operational, and there may also be certain errors which are as of yet unnaccounted for. However, this script has undergone two weeks of preliminary testing and will be completed within a week. If any errors are encountered with the usage of the script, however, please feel free to contact the author at to report these issues so that they may be addressed. For more information on the script's usage, please consult the header within the file.
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