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siRename 1.0.2 for Maya (maya script)

For practice, I rewrote in Python and PySide2, the script cometRename.mel by Michael Comet. A nice renaming utility that allows basic Prefix, Suffix, Search & Replace, and Rename & Number methods.

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Last Modified:08/12/2023
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  • Sirafy3D

    Sirafy3D said about 2 years ago:

    Thank you, I'm a 3ds Max user switching to MAYA and it's cool to find what I miss here. <3
  • Angry Kon

    Angry Kon said over 2 years ago:

    Works excellent for me! Also, can rename and remove colons, which other similar script I used for years can not.

    Thank you so much!
  • Ramonios

    Ramonios said over 2 years ago:

    In a previous blog post I discussed how you can use siRename to create nicenames for your Maya scene files. This is especially useful when working as part of a team and sharing scene files with others. In that blog post I showed how we can use the siRename command line version to achieve this task, but I've since created a simplified version of the script to allow novice users to quickly install the plugin without requiring any coding skills.
  • hazem_zoom

    hazem_zoom said about 6 years ago:

    Works very similar to the original cometRename script , just one difference that cometRename can do while this script couldn't :
    -I left click & drag selected several shading groups in the "Shading Group" tab in Hypershade, your script only `Rename & Number` one of the groups (possibly the latest one selected by the drag rectangle), but cometRename could rename & number all the groups.
    anyways all other functions work ok as it should.

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