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"Rapid Rig: Poser" for Maya 2.0.9 for Maya (maya script)

A UI designed to enhance the animation pipeline of the "Rapid Rig: Advanced"

(qty: 1)

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  • 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 9.x, 2009, 2008

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Last Modified:11/20/2017
File Size: 39.6 KB


fk, select, Rig


1.2.1: "Reset Transforms" doesn't reset R/L "Hell Ball"

Submitted byDavid Ostman David Ostman
On 1.2.1 when I do "Reset Transforms" it doesn't reset the left or right "Hell Ball". Other controllers seem to be resetting just fine, though.

To reproduce
  1. Load a character that's been posed with transformations on the Heel Ball, and other.
  2. Start Rapid Poser.
  3. Click "Use Name" and enter the correct name.
  4. Click "Reset Transforms".
  5. Watch how all controllers reset, except for Heel Ball on r/lFootIKC.

Comments on this bug:

  • Dustin Nelson

    Dustin Nelson said almost 14 years ago:

    Hey David, to make things less confusing, everything that isn't translate, rotate or scale is part of Reset Extras. Let me know if it actually works for you, and how you feel about which reset buttons do which things. Dustin
  • David Ostman

    David Ostman said about 14 years ago:

    Oops. "Hell Ball" is of course supposed to be "Heel Ball".. :P

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