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"Rapid Rig: Poser" for Maya 2.0.9 for Maya (maya script)

A UI designed to enhance the animation pipeline of the "Rapid Rig: Advanced"

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Last Modified:11/20/2017
File Size: 39.6 KB


fk, select, Rig


Namespace breaks "Left to Right" after setting initial key

Submitted byDavid Ostman David Ostman
Get this with 2.0.3 and 2.0.5 (not tested 2.0.4).

If I reference a model with a Rapid Rig into a scene, and it uses a namespace, the Right to Left (L2R) breaks if there is a key set on a controller, with an error message like this:

MIRRORING RIGHT TO LEFT.........// Error: file: C:/Users/David/Documents/maya/scripts/RapidRig_Poser_V2.mel line 1280: No object matches name: MainChar:MC_rShoulderFKC_translateX // 

L2R works before keying a controller, or after I delete the namespace via the namespace editor.

Comments on this bug:

  • Dustin Nelson

    Dustin Nelson said over 11 years ago:

    Hey David, Thanks for letting me know about this. I am on holidays until Tuesday but once I get back, I will start working on a fix for this. Cheers! Dustin
  • Dustin Nelson

    Dustin Nelson said over 11 years ago:

    Hi David, Which version of Maya are you using? I was testing this and it seems to be specific to 2014 but I want to make sure that is where you are seeing it as well. Thanks! Dustin
  • David Ostman

    David Ostman said over 11 years ago:

    Yep, that's where I was getting the error. Thanks for looking into it! :)
  • Dustin Nelson

    Dustin Nelson said over 11 years ago:

    OK, figured out the issue. In Maya 2014, Autodesk dropped the namespace for referenced files on the animation channels' names. In my mind this seems like a poor decision because the animation channel is now called: "MC_rShoulderFKC_translateX" instead of "MainChar:MC_rShoulderFKC_translateX" This creates an issue if you reference the same character in twice, because the second reference controller would be called: "MainChar1:MC_rShoulderFKC_translateX" yet it's animation channel is called "MC_rShoulderFKC_translateX1" All of a sudden it is much more difficult to determine the names of the animation channels. Thanks Autodesk! Anyways, hopefully I can come up with a solution for this ASAP. Dustin
  • Dustin Nelson

    Dustin Nelson said over 11 years ago:

    Hi David, I uploaded a fix which will work for older versions of Maya as well as for 2014. Give it a spin when you get a chance and if all is good for you, I will close the bug. Thanks! Dustin
  • hand hand

    hand hand said over 10 years ago:

    Hi Dustin, It seems that your solution for the issue that David has mentioned before "Namespace breaks "Left to Right" after setting initial key" is not working in VERSION 2.0.6. In my case, when I apply "mikey:mikeyR_MainC", problem occurs, but apply "mikey_mikeyR_MainC", there is no error. I think namespace still has some problem. please, check this out again and if I did in wrong way let me know. Thank you.

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