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MEL LISTER++ 1.5.1 for Maya (maya script)

You using MEL Scripts? Then you need this...!

Button download


  • 8.x, 7.x

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:08/12/2007
File Size: 32.4 KB
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1-5 of 5

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  • kaymatrix

    kaymatrix said almost 18 years ago:

    Just copy the codes and paste them in your script editor... Then press ENTER KEY in your Numeric keypad. I see no errors! It's working fine! I hav checked with 7.0, 7.0.1, 8.0 Try again properly.... If it goes well, Edit your negative comments and rate it!
  • henk69

    henk69 said almost 18 years ago:

    only get errors and unfound procedures
  • rcronin

    rcronin said almost 18 years ago:

    You have to load the script in the script editor and execute it. Source script doesn't work.
  • cyberpolice

    cyberpolice said almost 18 years ago:

  • cammm

    cammm said almost 18 years ago:

    this is a great starting point for what could be a very cool little mel editor inside maya. I really like the way you can jump to procedures, and execute certain parts of the code. a few suggestions.. 1) modify the layout so the window containing the code can be made larger ( this is crucial imo ) 2) would there be a way to goto specific line numbers ? 3) you could offer the option to reload the script automatically after an external edit, rather than just warning. 4) you could probably rework the UI to be a little more intuitive. You could even have multiple scripts open for edit at once if you used a tabbed layout for example. you could even change the text buttons to much smaller icons that would take up very little room at the top of the UI. 5) you need a way to update the procudure lists if new ones get added, rather than just populating when a script is opened. so yeah.. a great start. i know lots of people ( including myself ) use external editors for scripting, but i would definetly use an intergrated too like this if it was a little more robust... good work !

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