This script was written in my spare time at home ( not written in the company)
' MELScript Source File -- Created with Mapy
' NAME: hjMakeWhatIsEasier.mel
' VERSION: 0.0.3
' AUTHOR: oglop, han jiang , the man who really hates max
' DATE : 5/26/2008
' EMAIL : in script file
' What It Does:
make whatIs users' life easier
put scripEditorPanel.mel and hjMakeWhatIsEasier.mel to maya_script_path, restart maya
source hjMakeWhatIsEasier.mel;hjMakeWhatIsEasier;// because i have many global procs whose name is different than the file name, if you don't source it, the "global" procs won't be visible.this will launch the ui
or you could just runsource hjMakeWhatIsEasier.mel;The ui will be launched when you select the whatIs menu in the script editor.
you could highlight commands in the lower area of script editor. and run the RMB menu whatIs.
menu has been added to RMB S direction
RMB on the ui also could add current selected commands to ui
open button on the ui will open maya help if it's a command.
if it's a mel proc, it'll try opening the file with ultraedit
modify the ultraedit path or add other script editor executable path if you are using other editor.
it's in getOpenMelWithEditorCmd proc.
I added whatIs menu to script editor RMB, so you could put scriptEditorPanel.mel in maya_script_path to override the default one. the one provided in my rar file is from
maya 2008 sp2 x64 version. you could search
added by han jiang.
it's near line 437
you could also hack your buildScriptEditorCondensedPopupMenus proc in scriptEditorPanel.mel
add my menu under
if (!$isHistoryPopup){//add my stuff here
// added by han jiang
string $hjWhatIsMenu=`menuItem -parent $parent
//-radialPosition "SW"
-sm 1
-l "What Is"
string $cmd = "hjAddWhatIsMenuToScriptEditor(""+$hjWhatIsMenu+"","+$isHistoryPopup+")";
menuItem -e -pmc $cmd $hjWhatIsMenu;
setParent -m ..;
... // these are maya default menus
0.0.1 initial release
0.0.2 ui bug fix and add linux support

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