' MELScript Source File -- Created with Mapy
' NAME: hjBuildCurrentProjFileList
' VERSION: 0.1
' AUTHOR: oglop, han jiang , the man who really hates max
' DATE : 05/15/2009
' EMAIL : in script file
The scripts add RMB menu to the left most part of shelf area. RMB menu shows files in the project/scenes directory, CTRL + RMB menu shows the files in the directory where currently opened file locates at. alt + RMB menu shows recent projects.
the RMB and Ctrl+RMB menus will have submenus if there are sub directories.
source hjBuildCurrentProjFileList.mel;
and you'll have the menus, but if you want to put this source statement into the userSetup.mel, and hope it run automatically when maya starts,maybe you have to use something like this: evalDeferred -lp ("source "hjBuildCurrentProjFileList.mel""), because the script searches for the shelf area control ui and adds post menu commands to it, so it only works when the shelf is already there (generated),when maya starts, it seems ui are not built before userSetup.mel runs. so....
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