- This tool makes a Magic light! to your scene.
- You should add occlusion to your scene to see the actual results.
- This is NOT a light system, so add your lights before rendering the scene.
- Do not trust to this tool so much. It is useful in some cases. Play with the Options like Ramp color, Light intensity , etc to reach your desire image. Actually I wrote this script for a commercial. Just want to share it with all of highend3d friends.
- Download the sample file here.
- Feel free to send me bugs at: rodmena.com@gmail.com
-v 1.3.0: Some bugs fixed.
1- set MAYA_LOCATION variable in environment:
Value: D:Program FilesAutodeskMaya8.5;
2- Put this file in your PYTHONPATH. if you have not set it yet, set it now:
value: F:DocumentsMyPythonScripts
for more information about using python in maya see this article.
3- Start maya and in python window type:
import fa_fgi
4- Render it.
5- You can download the source code from here.

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