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Facer 3.2.0 for Maya (maya script)

Palette with handy scripts for working with meshes

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  • 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010

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  • Windows


Last Modified:03/12/2019
File Size: 23.3 KB
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  • sunghyogun

    sunghyogun said about 6 years ago:

    // Warning: Line 1079.28 : Redeclaration of variable "$nil" shadows previous declaration at line 1071. Previous value will be overwritten by explicit initializer.
    dont work on maya 2018
  • turonwonderland

    turonwonderland said over 7 years ago:

    Doesn't work with maya 2018. // Warning: Line 1079.28 : Redeclaration of variable "$nil" shadows previous declaration at line 1071. Previous value will be overwritten by explicit initializer. //
  • joopsky

    joopsky said about 8 years ago:

    Thank you for this wonderful tool, made my life so much easier!
  • AssetToaster

    AssetToaster said over 8 years ago:

    Just by Estimation I spared bout 2000000000000 Hours of deleting Edges and Cleanup. This Script works perfectly for maya2017 and every feature does its job almost as good as you would do it yourself. Good Job everybody!!!!
  • Lillian Young

    Lillian Young said over 8 years ago:

    Thank goodness for Simply Maya. I learned about this script there, and haven't used Maya without it since. Thanks for creating this.
  • mi456346

    mi456346 said over 10 years ago:

    Very nice!
  • jimpaw

    jimpaw said over 10 years ago:

    I Think your script is very useful, here are some suggestions: 1. Color code everything and seperate it to make it easier to read. Its alot of searching in the toolbar right now wich takes away the speed. 2. It would be great if you could seperate most of the scripts in seperate mels aswell so that people could only use what they need. 3. For some reason you cant acces the commands without having facer appear on the screen when Maya loads. I think this is a bit annoying since you have to close down the window everythime. For me i am using a custom marking meny and i am using some internal scripts from many different scripts like Ninja uv,Facer etc. Its a bit of a struggle when you dont get the control that you need. Anyway thanks for a great script!
  • maxmedioman

    maxmedioman said over 11 years ago:

    Fantastic script!
  • starbucks

    starbucks said over 12 years ago:

    Dude this script bundle is da bomb. Thanks for your hard work and for the regular updates!
  • chris beck

    chris beck said over 12 years ago:

    the make shape here feature is very nice. thanks

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