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BatchRenderRegion.mel 1.0.3 for Maya (maya script)

batch render animated regions inside render view to quickly fix image sequences

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  • 2013

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:03/21/2013
File Size: 24.4 KB


usage with vray for maya

Submitted by: stephen hibberd stephen hibberd
Hi there
Could you advise how to set this up so it can be used with VRay for Maya I assume it's in the custom render options but what do you input  to the fields?


Replies to this question:

  • nowayfra

    nowayfra said about 12 years ago:

    Hi! The custom render options are for the use of external renderer, such as mental ray standalone which is completely independend from maya. If you intend to use vRay standalone we surely can setup out a script, although i am not experienced in vRay usage. Or do you want to render with vRay using the maya batch renderer?
  • Make Make

    Make Make said about 12 years ago:

    hi nowayfra! wow, your mel is very useful, the problem is in vray for maya, has your own render windows, and your own render region. I try to use your mel with it, but not is possible. You think your mel can has a option for vray that make the render region output in the vray frame buffer? Thx!!!
  • nowayfra

    nowayfra said about 12 years ago:

    The vray framebuffer seems to be inaccesible through mel or python, so unfortunately not compatible with the BRR procedures. Also it doesnt have the option to load images as needed for some settings inside the BRR interface. But besides this, which advantage in hinsight to batch rendering regions will the VFB give you compared to the standart RenderView?
  • Make Make

    Make Make said about 12 years ago:

    Hi! Thx for the answer. The problem is the batchrender don't work with the render region renderview, only works with vray frame buffer, then when you use the BRR does not render the selection. think there is any solution? Thx!
  • nowayfra

    nowayfra said almost 12 years ago:

    Ah i see. Rendering in batch mode and vRay should be possible, but there are some differences using the command line and also some restrictions and inconsistencies in output file naming thus i would have to do some extra scripting to get this fool proof with the external compositor. I surely will have my hands on it as soon i have some time but do not expect a vRay implementation the next days.
  • Make Make

    Make Make said almost 12 years ago:

    Perfect! Thanks for the reply. This is great news. I wanted to ask a question. I've been testing how it works if you render to a render manager as backburner or deadline, but it does not work. You can not use it in these soft? Maybe you have to render with some flags? Thank you!
  • nowayfra

    nowayfra said almost 12 years ago:

    Even if it would be possible i think this goes much above the scope of this little proggie. Rendering regions in batch mode needs a single special command line call for each frame, so its not just submitting a scene to a manager. But i havent been working with Deadline or Backburner, so maybe this works. You could try this for yourself using global variables provided by the procedures to extract per frame data and try to etablish some sort of script connection to those managers, at least i have no intentions for doing something like this. Just have a look into the description inside BatchRenderRegion.mel of how to use the variables or look into the MentaRayStandalone_perFrameExecuteScript.txt how to collect data to get the Standalone Renderer to work. If you succeed with a pipeline tell me how you did it and i put this into the UI, no problem.

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