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Spiral Along Curve 1.8.1 for Maya (maya plugin)

This script draw spiral curves along the curve you selected

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  • 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:05/09/2016
File Size: 13.8 KB




Can't get script to work...

Submitted by: matthelm88 matthelm88
I am in 2016.

I placed the in this path:

C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2016\plug-ins

is that correct?

and then placed the AECurveSpiralTemplate.mel in this  path:


and i cannot get the script to work.  is the run script in mel or python

when I try with python i get this error:

# Error: invalid syntax # 

when i try it as a mel script i get this error:
// Warning: line 6: Unrecognized node type 'curveSpiral'; preserving node information during this session. // // Error: line 7: The destination attribute 'unknown1.ic' cannot be found. //  

Replies to this question:

  • Replyindent

    PhateX said over 9 years ago:

    You should enable at plugin's manager first.
  • fpahs2223

    fpahs2223 said over 9 years ago:

    Doesn't not work.... // Error: line 7: The destination attribute 'unknown8.ic' cannot be found.
  • Replyindent

    PhateX said over 9 years ago:

    This error shows that the node you created is "unknown", which means that you hadn't enable the plugin and so Maya could not find it. So you need to enable "" in Plugin Manager first.
  • mane162

    mane162 said almost 9 years ago:

    Hello, First thanks for your script. It looks fantastic. One issue here: I have been able to execute "Spiral Along Curve" plugin coping the code directly in script editor, but It has been impossible to load "". I have done the following steps: -- Copy into c://program files/maya/plugins -- Copy AECurveSpiralTemplate.mel into c://program files/maya/scripts -- I have loaded " in Plugin Manager But I have doubts the text I have to insert in script editor to load " . I am working on Maya 2016 . Thanks for your help.
  • Replyindent

    PhateX said almost 9 years ago: is a plugin for DG Graph. So when you've loaded it, you should create the node it registered, which is named "curveSpiral", instead of typing "" in the editor (it's not a valid syntax for both MEL and Python). You can use the mel snippet included in the to create this node.
  • Froyuken_Files

    Froyuken_Files said almost 9 years ago:

    *sigh* I'm having a tough time getting you script to work for me. I've placed both the script and plug-in in their designated file locations, and loaded the plug-in from the plug-in manager. After copying and pasting your script into the mel editor, I see that I get a duplicated NURBS curve called "curveSpiral1" but adjusting its parameters doesn't give me a spiral at all. Any idea what I've doing wrong? On another note, do I have to copy and paste the code every time I want to get the script to function? Couldn't I just make the code itself into a shortcut button on my shelf that I can press instead?
  • Replyindent

    PhateX said almost 9 years ago:

    There is a "Copy Tab" command beneath the attribute editor that gives you a floating window linked to a node.
  • Replyindent

    Froyuken_Files said almost 9 years ago:

    Oh I see. In my case, my curve was just a straight line on the y-axis consisting of 5 points. Guess I should add a lot more by rebuilding it. One more question, how do I get those windows like the ones in your screenshots to pop up?
  • Replyindent

    PhateX said almost 9 years ago:

    For your first question, once you've run this script and create the curve successfully, you need go to the attribute editor and modify the parameters to get the result you want. The initial shape you get depends on how the reference curve is created; If you use different ways to create the curve, then you'd get different curve parameters and thus the results could be totally different. Also, it was my bad that this script is not very elaborate that it's just bunch of DG operation. I will update it a little bit later to make sure the spiral node will be highlighted once it's created and thus you can get into it easily. For the second question, of course you can pack the script into a shelf tool (that's a treat of Maya :)), the easiest way is dragging the code onto shelf and it will create a shortcut for you.
  • Sonstige

    Sonstige said over 8 years ago:

    I have the similar problem like the user "Froyuken_Files". I have created a straight curve and run the script from a coded button in my shelf. It creates a new tab in my attribute editor but copied just another straight curve. No spiral. I have tested all values but didnt get any spiral. The curve stay straigt. Maya 2016 x64. Thank you very much for help!
  • Replyindent

    PhateX said over 8 years ago:

    You can try rebuilding the curve first to reset the curve parameter to 0~1, or you may have to set the range parameter to proper value.
  • joe t

    joe t said over 7 years ago:

    How do you get that window that says "Create Spiral!" at the bottom? I want to create hundreds of spirals with the same custom radius map.
  • Replyindent

    Ru said almost 7 years ago:


    soup21 said less than a minute ago:

    Hello PhateX,
    I am able to copy my "" script in the scripts folder but when I try to load the plugin in plug in manager the "auto loaded" will show a check mark but when I select "loaded" I receive
    //Error: line 1: (spiral_along_curve)
    but will not load the check mark in plugin manager. The window WILL load but, I am unable to create a button for my shelf. Just a side note I do have  the "" as well as the "" save to the script folder. Please let me know what I'm doing wrong.
    The same problem "" does not work. I have a Maya 2017
  • Replyindent

    soup21 said almost 7 years ago:


    soup21 said less than a minute ago:

    Hello PhateX,
    I am able to copy my "" script in the scripts folder but when I try to load the plugin in plug in manager the "auto loaded" will show a check mark but when I select "loaded" I receive
    //Error: line 1: (spiral_along_curve)
    but will not load the check mark in plugin manager. The window WILL load but, I am unable to create a button for my shelf. Just a side note I do have  the "" as well as the "" save to the script folder. Please let me know what I'm doing wrong.
  • Replyindent

    PhateX said over 7 years ago:

    There is a '', load and run this script will give you the tool you asked.

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