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Soft Cluster EX 3.0.1 for Maya (maya plugin)

Soft Cluster EX is a python and c++ based tool for converting soft selection to cluster or joint, supports common types of deformable geometry(e.g. polygon,nurbs ,subdiv and lattice) with a lot of advance features.

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  • 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011

Operating Systems

  • Linux
  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:12/01/2020
File Size: 108 KB

Feature Request

souce this pluging from a shared drive

Submitted by:Jeroen Hoekstra Jeroen Hoekstra
Hi, I'm looking for a way to souce this tool from the shelf. in mel it would look like : source "D:/Dropbox (Bigpixel)/_LIBRARY/MAYA_2014/scripts/bpProjCtl.mel"; or However since the command is not calling a .py script I find it hard to find out what to write in my shelf button to make the tool accessable from this shared drive. cheers, Jeroen bigpixel

Comments on this feature request:

  • Webber Huang

    Webber Huang said almost 10 years ago:

    Hey, You can drag install.mel into maya, this script does everything automagically as you might expect, look carefully on your current shelf, a new orange icon will appear if nothing error happened. Please read the README for more useful information. Good luck, Webber
  • Jeroen Hoekstra

    Jeroen Hoekstra said almost 10 years ago:


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