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MoomXSI 3.2.0 for Xsi

MoomXSI rig

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  • 6.x


Last Modified:01/05/2011
File Size: 970 KB

Hi, I got the mesh from a Maya rig by Ramtin (low res version). Thanks Ramtin, kudos. I find there are not enough character rigs out there for XSI so I decided to convert one of the rigs from Maya. This is my first time rigging in XSI so you might find bugs. I apologize ahead for that. If you do find bugs or if you have ideas, please contact me and I will try to fix it. The rig is made to be very simple with not a lot of bells and whistles. I hope you enjoy and have fun animating. Cheers.



synoptic view

IK/FK arms (stretchable in IK)

Head look at

hide/unhide geometry on arms, torso, lowerbody and head

Please use the Bug System to report any bugs.
Please use the Feature Requests to give me ideas.
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