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Maya Import/export chan 0.0.0

import/export chan files to use in Nuke

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Last Modified:10/06/2006
File Size: 24.4 KB


How do I use this mel script?

Submitted by: Karnik Karnik

So far I've placed the .mel file into my maya/scripts directory and I've tried finding it in the plug-in manager but it doesnt show up.  I guess that means I have to run it from the script editor.  I just don't know how to go about doing that. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Replies to this question:

  • Nic Y

    Nic Y said about 14 years ago:

    Ditto, Cant find the launch procedure, Sourced the script, executed the script but no UI appears. I'm looking for the global proc but no luck, please can you write a short description on how to get the UI up. Thanks
  • rueter

    rueter said about 14 years ago:

    I only posted this on behalf of someone else years ago and haven't used it myself in ages. As far as I can remember, you just need to source the script in the script editor, then run one of the commands it provides (look into the script to see them).
  • cgprotutorials

    cgprotutorials said about 14 years ago:

    And those lines are??? Man people don't make as script if you're not going to include instructions for dummys like us.
  • TACarp

    TACarp said over 1 year ago:

    Steps I followed:
    1-I downloaded the mel.
    2- I copied it to: "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2023\scripts\others"
    3- I opened "C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2023\scripts\userSetup.mel"
    Note on step 3- You may need to create your user setup mel if you don not already have one.
    4- I added the line: 
    eval("source \"C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2023/scripts/others/ImportExportChan.mel\"");
    5- I opened Maya
    6- I select my intended export camera
    7- I went to the script editor and execuated the command: "exportCamChan"
     Problem I am getting:
    -The export menu only has a drop down for the regular maya export file types. (i.e.: .mb, .ma, .fbx, .obj). ".chan" isn't an option.
    -I use the .ma file type (as it was the default), choose a location, type a file name, and press export. The file type is a .ma.
    I am not sure if this is a bug or user error. I would like to export it as a .chan.

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