Ok now let's boolean some cubes to it. Create a cube, and move it to the end at an angle, then duplicate it then select the shaft, then select a cube, then go to polygons>booleans>difference, now rotate the shaft 180 degrees and boolean again.
Now scale the end on it's X axis to make the edge a bit long
Ok, we've got the screwdriver model done, now we're going to go on to the materials, and render settings! Ok, select your shaft, and go into the rendering section, lighting/shading>assign new material>Dgs_material
Ok that's good enough for that! Now we'll make our handle a "Dieletric" material, go to lighting/shading>assign new material>Dieletric_material, give it any color you like, I chose a yellowish color by clicking the "col" white block, you can select a color for it.
Alright, now we're going to set the scene up for rendering, select your screw-driver, and move it up some, so that it's resting atop the grid, then create a polygon plane on it's Y axis, doesn't matter how many subdivisions it has, and apply a lambert material to it Lighting/shading>assign new material>lambert, and make it a tanish color
Now create an ambient light, with no intensity, make it cast shadows, then go to render globals Select mental ray in the drop down menu (if it's not there go to window>preferences/settings>plug-in manager, and check mayatomr) apply these settings in the render globals:
min sample level 1
max sample level 3
RAYTRACING SECTION, move all the sliders up to 10 except the shadow trace depth attribute
FINAL GATHER SECTION, check final gather, final gather rays 500
IMAGE BASED LIGHTING SECTION, click create, if you do not have an HDRI map, E-Mail me at bartonix@gmail.com and I will send you one, now over in your attribute editor for your HDRI map, apply these settings:
Make sure the mapping is on angular, and that you find where you saved your HDRI map
Optional DoF
for DoF you're going to need an extra screw-driver, a bit further away from this one. And perhaps a different color handle. I chose a blue-ish purple color
Ok, once you've duplicated your screwdriver and moved/modified it, select the screwdriver you want your camera to be focused on and go to display>heads up display>object details. Now on your new HUD, find it's distance from the camera and either write it down in note pad and copy it, or remember it. Now select the ground plane, and hit the right arrow key until you come upon the perspective camera (perspshape) scroll down to the mental ray tab on it, and click the little box by the attribute "Lens shader" scroll down and find the lenses in the pop up, and select "physical_lense" now on the attribute "plane" type the number the distance of the camera is, and put a - infront of it, (this will work in most cases, if not, put a +) now render!
Hope you had fun!
Some errors happend and two images wouldn't show up, I don't know if this link will work but to see the tutorial in it's origonal state go to https://micah.noobgrinder.com/screwdrivertut/ And also visit my dA https://www.micah.noobgrinder.com https://thunor.deviantart.com
Now scale the end on it's X axis to make the edge a bit long
Ok, we've got the screwdriver model done, now we're going to go on to the materials, and render settings! Ok, select your shaft, and go into the rendering section, lighting/shading>assign new material>Dgs_material
Ok that's good enough for that! Now we'll make our handle a "Dieletric" material, go to lighting/shading>assign new material>Dieletric_material, give it any color you like, I chose a yellowish color by clicking the "col" white block, you can select a color for it.
Alright, now we're going to set the scene up for rendering, select your screw-driver, and move it up some, so that it's resting atop the grid, then create a polygon plane on it's Y axis, doesn't matter how many subdivisions it has, and apply a lambert material to it Lighting/shading>assign new material>lambert, and make it a tanish color
Now create an ambient light, with no intensity, make it cast shadows, then go to render globals Select mental ray in the drop down menu (if it's not there go to window>preferences/settings>plug-in manager, and check mayatomr) apply these settings in the render globals:
min sample level 1
max sample level 3
RAYTRACING SECTION, move all the sliders up to 10 except the shadow trace depth attribute
FINAL GATHER SECTION, check final gather, final gather rays 500
IMAGE BASED LIGHTING SECTION, click create, if you do not have an HDRI map, E-Mail me at bartonix@gmail.com and I will send you one, now over in your attribute editor for your HDRI map, apply these settings:
Make sure the mapping is on angular, and that you find where you saved your HDRI map
Optional DoF
for DoF you're going to need an extra screw-driver, a bit further away from this one. And perhaps a different color handle. I chose a blue-ish purple color
Ok, once you've duplicated your screwdriver and moved/modified it, select the screwdriver you want your camera to be focused on and go to display>heads up display>object details. Now on your new HUD, find it's distance from the camera and either write it down in note pad and copy it, or remember it. Now select the ground plane, and hit the right arrow key until you come upon the perspective camera (perspshape) scroll down to the mental ray tab on it, and click the little box by the attribute "Lens shader" scroll down and find the lenses in the pop up, and select "physical_lense" now on the attribute "plane" type the number the distance of the camera is, and put a - infront of it, (this will work in most cases, if not, put a +) now render!
Hope you had fun!
Some errors happend and two images wouldn't show up, I don't know if this link will work but to see the tutorial in it's origonal state go to https://micah.noobgrinder.com/screwdrivertut/ And also visit my dA https://www.micah.noobgrinder.com https://thunor.deviantart.com
Author: BaRToNiX
Submitted: 2005-10-18 13:29:18 UTC
Software: Maya
Views: 576,044
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