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X-Tools 4.1.4 for Maya (maya script)

A powerful toolbox with quick access many tools

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  • 2012, 2011, 2010, 9.x, 2009, 2008, 8.x, 7.x

Operating Systems

  • Linux
  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:12/02/2012
File Size: 1.43 MB


modeling, generalist

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1-10 of 15

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  • geno cide

    geno cide said over 12 years ago:

    this is script is obviously done by an expert. from the installation to the execution was done in a very thoughtful way. i couldn't agree more with DeadlyNightShade that this is the best script. good job. and thank you.
  • Martin Dahlin

    Martin Dahlin said over 12 years ago:

    Possibly THE best tool/script written for Maya. XTools helps A TON.

    HEO MANHONG said over 13 years ago:

    thank you so much
  • UMER Farooq

    UMER Farooq said over 13 years ago:

    is this version support windows resizing ...??
  • bradon

    bradon said over 16 years ago:

    Great script use it all the time.. just upgraded to 2009. any way to get a compatable 2009 version i tried to install this one in 2009 but i get this error when i try to open one of the option panels. uberSplitEdge; // Error: Cannot find procedure "edgeToolBoxWindow". // uberSplitEdge; any idea how to fix this.. the main tools seem to work, but i cant open the option boxes. I think this problem may also be related to installing a new version on top of an old one? because ive gotten this error on other computers when upgrading from 8.5 to 2008 so maybe its not an issue with 2009 compatability as much as it is trying to upgrade the installation in general while there is an older version present
  • dreman3d

    dreman3d said over 16 years ago:

    Great tool to use quick and easy to use and the edge ring tool is a time saver.
  • JLove

    JLove said over 16 years ago:

    When adding a mel script to the user shelf how can I change the default mel icon to a custom created icon?
  • dominik capodieci

    dominik capodieci said over 16 years ago:

    thank you for sharing!
  • tnarey

    tnarey said about 17 years ago:

    Great collection of tools in one easy to use box. No more scrolling through the menu for what I need, it's all right there!
  • rdunc

    rdunc said about 17 years ago:

    Where will the x tools installer be located? File>Open> ???? no experience with plugins post response on my myspace. here's the URL

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