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tf_animCurve2drivenKey a tool to convert animated objects to driven key animated objects |
First select all the animated objects (which will be driven by the drivenKey)
last select the driver attribute (which will be the driver attribute for the
driven key) and click "convert to sdk"
all animation curves connected to animated objects will be converted to
value based animation curves (driven keys), the input range for converting
is defined by the first and last keyframe of the selected objects
- self animated driver:
when the driver attribute is on the animated object
- with ouptput objects:
also get animation curves from output-connected objects, i.e.: for clusters
also the animation on the envelopge attribute will be considered
- Attribute range from driver:
brings the driven key range to the range of the range of the driver attribute (i.e.: -1 to 1)
- Attribute range from custom:
lets you specifiy a custom range for the driven key useful when no ranges
exists for attributes (i.e.: translate or rotate attributes)
copy tf_animCurve2drivenKey.mel to i.e.: "..usermaya2008scripts"
run "tf_animCurve2drivenKey" from the commandline
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