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Substance Painter to Vray 0.0.4 for Maya (maya script)

Plug in textures exported from Substance Painter into Maya Vray

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  • 2019, 2018, 2017

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:10/13/2020
File Size: 56.3 KB


not sure if a bug, but not working

Submitted byteddude75 teddude75
thanks but not working here.
win 10 /Maya 2018/substance painter 2019.1.0
Specify path to my diffuse,Refl, Glossiness, IOR and Normal textures, and with a Vray Mtl selected I hit create materials and it does nothing. Not even an error thrown...
Should it work?

Comments on this bug:

  • DaxRider71

    DaxRider71 said over 5 years ago:

    uploading an image
  • teddude75

    teddude75 said over 5 years ago:

    Make sure that the textures are named correctly. Can tell me the name of the texture exported from substance? Textures  need to include 
    1. The shader name 
    2. The channel to connect (diffuse, spec, normal, and displacement etc.)
    ie. the shader in maya is called BallShader ( Ball_shader no under scores)
    than the texture needs to be named BallShader_diffuse.png
    Be careful about underscores. Also if it's a fbx that was exported from Maya than the texture set in Substance would be named after the shading group not the shader. This can be renamed in Substance before export.
  • DaxRider71

    DaxRider71 said over 5 years ago:

    Hey @teddude75 
    Will look at your suggestions. Did post an image of the texture names but can't see that if I'm right in my understanding the substance textures must match the Vray material name with an underscore plus whatever texture it is?
  • teddude75

    teddude75 said over 4 years ago:

    Sorry about the delay on answering. I've updated the script for 2020 and it should work better now.
    The error is cannot find Vraymlt1sg in cubelambert1. The shader needs to be the same as the texture set in Subtance Painter. ie cubelambert1_Diffuse.png name the shader cubelambert1.
  • DaxRider71

    DaxRider71 said over 5 years ago:

    tried as suggested..but still no dice. I am using Vray Next.
    for the record..I exported my fbx and as you said it had the group name.
    I just changed the name of my vray Mtl to be the same as the textures..
    see attached image..

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