creates seconday motion for the selected joint hierarchy.
It basically creates a softbody replica of the selected joint hierarchy and keys the transformations based on this replica. when done, it backs up the original animation curves, and connects the new motion back to selected joints. you can revert back to original keyframe animation whenever you need and re-run the simulation.
It is designed to work under very complex situations like locked channels, character sets etc., so you can use it on any character/creature rig without breaking apart the rig itself. You will need to play around `conserve` `end weight` and `goal smoothness` to get used to their behaviour but basically they are default particle attributes so if you familiar with maya dynamics you will have a clear picture of what they internally do.
Installation and Usage;
copy this file to your maya sripts folder (ex. my documents/maya/scripts/ on windows). restart maya and type `secondaryMotion` in command line. its window will pop up
I tried to make it `animator friendly` as much as possible. For any bugs/suggestions please contact me at;
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