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Sassy Materials | Automatic PBR material network setup and texture assignment 1.0.0 for Maya (maya script)

Automatic preset shading network setup with options for searching for files according to predefined naming conventions. Comes with presets for Redshift, Arnold, and the standard lambert shader, but documentation is included on how to define your own presets for your preferred rendering engine!

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Last Modified:02/10/2022
File Size: 307 KB


texture, rendering


ORM support?

Submitted by: joie joie
Hi there, is it possible to support ORM textures, in which each RGB channel is connected to either Base, Roughness and Metallic?

Replies to this question:

  • Sasbom

    Sasbom said almost 3 years ago:

    Hey, that'd be possible, but very difficult.
    If I find time I'll try and implement an option for it, but also, I don't see this kind of texture being used a lot in production,
    so the tool wasn't made with that in mind.
    That'd also require support for adding ambient occlusion, since that's what the O channel is for.

    If it's gonna be added, it would be added as a "roughness is ORM" toggle or something, 
    and I'd have to add an optional branch for the base color that'd multiply the ambient occlusion map with it,
    which would really complicate things.

    I appreciate your input, my summer break is coming up so I'll stew on this a little bit.
    I understand it's a bit of an Unreal Engine thing to use, right?

    Thanks for using my script and leaving a comment,

  • Replyindent

    joie said almost 3 years ago:

    I thought ORM support would be much easier to implement because it is simply a matter of plugging individual RGB channels instead of direct connections.
    But I will for your update.
  • Replyindent

    Sasbom said almost 3 years ago: " style="color: rgb(57, 128, 163); outline: none; text-decoration-line: none;">
    reading the docs for arnold, it appears that the "base" float attribute on the surface shader is just a multiplier,
    so it wouldn't matter if I still kept it universal there and used a multiply before that.
    The reason why i prefer using a multiply for AO, is because i can still add other nodes in between to make it not look as "black", sometimes I remap or tint my AO maps a bit to make them a little more interesting.

    As far as ORM goes, I want to make a V2 of this plugin when I have the time, so I'll update you when I added ORM support. I will have to shuffle some things around to improve the workflow and also update the UI a bit.

    Adding support for ORM maps and other requested features would require adding a lot of catches etc, for specific
    workflows, so I should rethink how I am gonna do this, especially now that I've played around with USD a lil bit.

    Thank you for showing interest and for your support, I'll take a look at it when I have time again.

  • Replyindent

    joie said almost 3 years ago:

    May we discuss this over email instead of this?
    Anyway, ORM textures may not super used in VFX production, but they are certainly used in videogames or real time applications. Substance Painter can export them easily and they are very helpfull in a glTF / USDz pipeline, since you reduce drawcalls a lot.
    By the way, AO may be multiplied, but in the case of an Arnold material, it won't, it would just be plugged into the "base" component of the material (NOT baseColor), so it will be certainly be multiplied in the end by the baseColor, but both are plugged into different slots.

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