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readFromFile 1.0 for Maya (maya script)

This is a script to help new scripters use a...

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  • 5.x, 4.x

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  • Windows


Last Modified:02/23/2004
File Size: 1.48 KB
This is a script to help new scripters use a powerful concept. It enables you to read values from an external file, and get those values into an array that you can then process how you want. It is pretty simple, but opens up doors for many things ( like saving script settings, options, small database things etc ).

the format it reads is like this:

[colours], // block name ( use to access specific part of the file )
red, // a value in the block. this can be anything
yellow, // the block can be any size, its only 3 big here...
-, // the symbol that declares the end of the block.

The file can be of any type ( but a normal .txt should be fine ) and you can have as many `blocks` as you need per file, with the ability to access each block individually. It returns the contents of the block into a global string called $RFdata[].

This script is designed as a solution for new scripters to what I found a complicated problem when I first started. There is an example file, and an example MEL file that shows you the syntax so you can test it straight away ( put the exampleFile.txt in your root "c:/" ).

not sure if it works in Maya 5, but can`t see why not...

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