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PAIE 1.3.3 for Maya (maya script)

Animation / Pose library tool.

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  • 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014

Operating Systems

  • Linux
  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:10/18/2018
File Size: 69.7 KB


Pose, animation

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  • rx_frame

    rx_frame said over 13 years ago:

    Nice and smooth. Pretty fast also. Thanks a lot!
  • scotsi

    scotsi said over 13 years ago:

    Works wonderfully well. Nice and simple.
  • Pritish Dogra

    Pritish Dogra said almost 14 years ago:

    Hi Jakob, This is one of the finest tools out there for managing a animation library. I just love the speed at which it works. I am really glad you had made this python and made us avail the code. I would be developing our own in house animation library tool, but I would build it on the foundation of your fantastic tool Thanks Pritish
  • benmillion

    benmillion said about 14 years ago:

    Absolutely amazing. Brilliant. Can not praise this highly enough. Each node you want to export data on needs to be selected, and in turn each node your importing onto needs to be selected. At first I just exported the parent node for my control rig, thinking that it would automatically export animation data from its children... Thankfully my rig is clean and simple. However, even if you have to select 100 nodes, it's infinitely better than re-animating hundreds of nodes!!!
  • Nenox

    Nenox said almost 17 years ago:

    Really simple to use and well thought out.
  • EricTRocks

    EricTRocks said almost 17 years ago:

    This script just saved my project. I had a semi-corrupted Maya file that I could only navigate through. My channel boxes dissapeared and Maya would crash whenever I tried to do anything semi-complex (export object or file). I was able to export the anim off my character controls onto a newly referenced file and it worked like a charm! I like the refresh files feature as it saves a bit of time from selecting the file from the directory structure. Great work! Eric T.
  • vonfokker

    vonfokker said almost 17 years ago:

    First of all, thank you. This could be a great tool for me. However, I can't seem to get it to work in my setup. I am referencing characters with character sets and can't seem to get the animation to transfer. Any thoughts?

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