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PAIE 1.3.3 for Maya (maya script)

Animation / Pose library tool.

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  • 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014

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Last Modified:10/18/2018
File Size: 69.7 KB


Pose, animation

PAIE has moved to allow easier external contributions:

Visit for the latest version

What PAIE can do for you

PAIE (Python Attribute Import/Export) is a Maya based animation transfer tool which lets you save out animation or poses to a file and import them again onto same or similar characters/object allowing you to transfer animation freely and share between colleagues

How to install it

To use the tool, place "" somewhere in your PYTHONPATH, eg: "../[username]/maya/2011-x64/scripts" or similar
Restart maya and run PAIE by typing:
    "import paie;paie.GUI()"
in a python commandLine/scriptEditor 

How you can use it

PAIE works on your current selection and will export data from such and import by matching to the original names unless you import based on selection order.
Data is saved by writing a file in PAIEs own filetype called ".xad" where all attribute values are stored.

The Interface

The consists of a top row with a switch between an import and an export mode, a refresh button to refresh the filelist, an 'add tab' and 'remove tab' button which enables you to have several tabs pointing to each of their directories so you kan have eg. one tab pointing to face poses, another to hand poses, another to your local animation library and then maybe one pointing to a global library where you can share poses/animation with fellow artists.

Export Mode:

When exporting using the GUI you need to select the objects you want to export, either set your active timeline according to what animation you would like to export or uncheck 'timeline only' to export all animation on objects. 
All namespaces within the selection will be exported and only unique object-naming is allowed.

Import Mode:

Importing a file works on your current selection as well imports either to your current frame or at the animations original frame position depending on the 'Apply at Origin' checkbox.
Select the file you want to import from, select the namespace you want to use (Note: You can only import from 1 namespace and onto 1 namespace at a time)
When you import a file PAIE will by default match your import data names to your current selection and only add animation to objects that have the same name as the source (namespaces excluded). This enables you to easily import data form one rig to another rig having two different namespaces but the same naming. You can also choose to import your data according to selection order by checking the 'select order' check box. This will make PAIE consider the order in which you selected the initial objects when exporting and apply data to your current selection in the same way, disregarding naming.

Development and License

PAIE is being developed for Radar Film & Disco worms Aps and is published as open source under the LGPL.

Known Bugs:

When using Animation Layers, there's an unresolved issue where rotation values doesn't come through. 


Please use the Bug System to report any bugs.
Please use the Feature Requests to give me ideas.
Please use the Support Forum if you have any questions or problems.
Please rate and review in the Review section.

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