Usage copy the python script( to your scripts directory and import it from your maya
import Wireframe
help(Wireframe) # to learn more
if you want to save the shortcut as button then you need to have the follwing code in your shelfbar button command
import Wireframe
or Run in nonGui Mode(for Maya 2009 and Maya 2010-Tested)
type the code below after selecting the object
in CreateShaderConnect(True,"Surface Shader","mode")
the First Argumet decides whether you want to render with Ambient Occlusion,
the Second Argument decides wheteher u want to use surface shader or other type and
the thrid argument decides whether to show GUI or not, pass noGui if you do not want to load GUI else pass false to load GUI after the selected object/s are connected to wireframe shader.
Press CTRL while executing the above code or hitting the shelf bar button if you want to render wireframe with Ambient Occlusion

See Render Screenshot, See more screeh shots here .
Tested on maya 2012, 2013 on windows OS.
Control color of the material and wire
If you have more than one object selected that you want to apply wireframe render, Select Apply to All when prompted.
why scripted editor output embeded ? So that if you have multiple objects selected you can see what object is connected to which material.
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