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OBJs Exporter 2.0.2 for Maya (maya script)

Complete script which exports geometry from Autodesk-Maya in .obj file format.

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  • 2011

Operating Systems

  • Linux
  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:11/06/2010
File Size: 8.14 KB


cannot use is

Submitted bycin benz cin benz
i run the script on maya 2011 on the script Python tab and it tells me 


# Error: IndentationError: unexpected indent # 

Comments on this bug:

  • chris parliaros

    chris parliaros said over 14 years ago:

    I cant be sure why this happening, the script is already complied and has been run successfully to windows, linux and mac. Usually has to do with spacing in the code, python is very sensitive in maya, but as I said because is per-compiled should not give errors. One thing that I can do, in order to address the problem, is to give you the original code and copy paste it in your script editor and run it. Sent me an email to in order to reply with the script. cheers Christos
  • joed8349

    joed8349 said about 14 years ago:

    All you have to do to fix this is delete the indent on the 2nd line of code. If you copied and pasted from the text file that was supplied, it for some reason indents the 2nd line of code when pasting it into the Python tab in Maya's script editor. Thanks for this useful script!!!
  • chris parliaros

    chris parliaros said about 14 years ago:

    What joed8349 is suggesting makes perfect sence try that if you have any problem to run the script. I m happy that my script helps you pipeline.
  • yingyingsputnik

    yingyingsputnik said over 13 years ago:

    Doesn't seem to work...any suggestion ? // Error: SyntaxError: Non-ASCII character '\xd1' in file C:/Users/stephan/Documents/maya/2011/scripts/ on line 1, but no encoding declared; see for details // // Warning: Failed to run file: C:/Users/stephan/Documents/maya/2011/scripts/ // // Error: (objsExporter_v2) //
  • yasush

    yasush said over 13 years ago:

    Hi, This seems not to be the issue on mac, after deleting the indent, still not working. Here is the error: Mel: // Error: objsExporter_v2.objsExporter(); // // Error: Syntax error // python: # Error: NameError: name 'objsExporter_v2' is not defined # Look forward to hear from you. Thanks
  • SuperSparkplug

    SuperSparkplug said about 13 years ago:

    Yeah, I'm having the same problem on my mac. I tried indenting but that didn't work either. Anyone know how to solve this?

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