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Ninja Fracture 6.0.0 for Maya (maya script)

Breaks objects into chunks

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Last Modified:12/13/2016
File Size: 95.8 KB


Problem with custom locators

Submitted by: Kchak14 Kchak14

I am trying to use your script to instance locators to create a similar effect to the xplode plugin for c4d. After replacing my particles with locators I try to run the scrip with my custom locators and I get the error:

// Error: Cannot convert data of type string to type float[].

 I also get the error with a single newly created locator with no connections.

Any Idea why this is happening?


Replies to this question:

  • Brian Keffer

    Brian Keffer said about 13 years ago:

    once you create the locators, you select the object you want to fracture, then click on Voronoi Fracture. Also you need to make sure all the locators are inside the mesh. I have tested it again and havent had any issues. You do get that error if you have a locator selected. Ill try to add some more error checking

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