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Ninja Column 1.0.0 for Maya (maya script)

Creates A column fluted or non fluted

Button download


  • 2010, 9.x, 2009, 2008, 8.x

Operating Systems

  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:12/15/2012
File Size: 22.8 KB

Version History

* Created Video demo

4.29.2010 (v.0.3.0)
* Fixed presets if your scale was meters
* Changed Script name and main procedure call

This is pretty straight forward  for now

8.23.2009 (v 0.3.0)
*Fixed UI to work on a mac
*Fixed a bug if  Y is your up direction.

5.3.2009 (v 0.2.5)
* Made all the settings interactive
* Added a Finalize button so once you have a column you like hit the finalize button.
* When creating a 4 sided column the pieces will be rotated correctly.

5.2.2009 (v 0.2.1)
* Added auto detect for up direction

4.29.2009 (v 0.2.0)
* Added Vertical Segments (v seg)
* Added Taper (1 is no taper )
*Added Curve (This is the amouth the column will curve out)
*Added  Presets for low med high