Standard License (Royalty Free)
License terms and conditions for transmission of digital items from Seller to Purchaser
1. The Standard License grants you, the purchaser, an ongoing, non-exclusive, worldwide license to make use of the digital asset (Item) you have purchased or downloaded for free.
2. By completing a purchase or download you are hereby granted use of the item resulting in an End Product;
3. An End Product is a work that incorporates the Item into a product that is larger in scope. Approved distribution or use of Item as an End Product includes, but is not limited to:
a. For personal or commercial use
b. For advertising or promotional use
c. For a website or in any electronic devices
d. In broadcast, multimedia or animation
e. In mobile apps, books or magazines
f. As a 3D Print
More detailed examples of approved distribution or use:
a. As a displayed 3D model used in a mobile phone application as long as the original content is protected from extraction
b. As rendered imagery (still or moving) distributed as part of a feature film, commercial, broadcast, or stock photography or other stock media
c. As part of a game as long as the original content is protected from extraction and displays inside the game during play
d. Resulting as published content within a magazine, website, t-shirt, poster, or similar product
e. As part of a physical object such as a toy or physical model
What you CAN do with the Item
4. You can create an End Product for a client, and you can transfer that End Product to your client for any fee. This license is then transferred to your client.
5. You can modify or manipulate the Item in any way including shape, size, color, etc. You can combine the Item with other works and make a derivative work from it. The resulting works are subject to the terms of this license. You can do these things as long as the End Product you then create does not violate any of terms of (3) above.
What you CAN'T do with the Item
6. You can't re-distribute the Item as stock (free or paid). You can't do this with an Item individually or bundled with other items, including even if you modify the Item. ie, you can't purchase a character model, rig it, then resell it as your own.
7. You can't provide any free download of the Item in any web site or electronic devices.
8. You can't modify the Item and sell or distribute the modified Item in any form / media as it's own new Item.
9. You must not permit an end user of the End Product to extract the Item and use it separately from the End Product.
10. You can't use an Item in a logo, trademark, or service mark.
More details of this license terms
11. For some Items, a component of the Item will be sourced by the author from elsewhere and different license terms may apply to the component, such as someone else's license or an open source or creative commons license. If so, the component will be identified by the author in the Item's description page or in the Item's downloaded files. The other license will apply to that component instead of this license. This license will apply to the rest of the Item.
For example: A script might contain images licensed under a Creative Commons CCBY license. The CCBY license applies to those specific images. This license applies to the rest of the theme.
12. For some items, a GNU General Public License (GPL) or another open source license applies. The open source license applies in the following ways:
(a) Some Items, even if entirely created by the author, may be partially subject to the open source license: a ësplit license' applies. This means that the open source license applies to an extent that's determined by the open source license terms and the nature of the Item, and this license applies to the rest of the Item.
Split and other open source licensing is relevant for themes and plug-ins for WordPress and other open source platforms. Where split licensing applies, this is noted in the Item's download files: for more information, see this Knowledge Base article
(b) For some Items, the author may have chosen to apply a GPL license to the entire Item. This means that the relevant GPL license will apply to the entire Item instead of this license.
Where an Item is entirely under a GPL license, it will be identified as a GPL item and the license noted in the download files.
13. You can only use the Item for lawful purposes. Also, if an Item contains an image of a person, even if the Item is model-released you can't use it in a way that creates a fake identity, implies personal endorsement of a product by the person, or in a way that is defamatory, obscene or demeaning, or in connection with sensitive subjects.
14. This license applies in conjunction with the Membership Terms for your use of the Highend3d Marketplace. If there is an inconsistency between this license and the Membership Terms, this license will apply to the extent necessary to resolve the inconsistency.
15. This license can be terminated if you breach it. If that happens, you must stop making copies of or distributing the End Product until you remove the Item from it.
16. The author of the Item retains ownership of the Item but grants you the license on these terms. This license is between the author of the Item and you. / Highend Network / Lumis Network, is not a party to this license or the one giving you the license.
17. Purchaser understands and agrees that certain digital items may contain third party copyrighted or trademarked material that may require additional licensing, permissions, releases, or rights clearance for any non-editorial use. Purchaser and their legal advisors should consider this and obtain such rights, if necessary, before purchasing, downloading or using any Content.
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Operating Systems
Created: | 03/16/2009 |
Last Modified: | 04/08/2019 |
File Size: | 78 MB |
Version History
Ninja City 4.1
1. Fixed an issue that was not placing the buildings correctly in the Random City Generator2. Fixed an issue where custom floor plan wasnt calling the right function
Ninja City 3.1 Updates (1/8/2012)
1. Support for Y up or Z up
2. Support for linking children to modules
3. V-ray support for rendering icons and Building Preview
4. Fixed the building browser
5. Added filters to the building browser
6. Added an "all" check box to the build window.. this will display icons of all the buildings in a certain style
7. Fixed Extrude IN and Out for Y up
8. Added support for childeren to modules
9. Added Roof creation to buildings. This requires you to create splines on the Top Modules names RoofEdge and parent them as a child to the module
10.Added ability to create New Sytles in the Build tab.
11.You can create a new project by right clicking a Style Icon in the Build Tab.
12. Fixed UI in the Module Tab to support meters or cm
Ninja City 3.0 Updates (12/27/2011)
1. Support for Y up or Z up
2. Support for linking children to modules
3. V-ray support for rendering icons and Building Preview
4. Fixed the building browser
5. Added filters to the building browser
6. Added an "all" check box to the build window.. this will display icons of all the buildings in a certain style
11.13.2011 (2.1 update)
1. Fixed an issue with some shaders not being created properly
2. Changed City Block Size to Number of Blocks
3. Added Build Custom City. You basically create the city layout as one object.. all the divisions will become a Lot and buildings will be created in the shape of the face. (will be making a video of this soon)
I have made some major changes to this script. If you have an older version of Render Ready, backup the older version and delete the Render Ready folder.
1. Textures are now called from a shared directory. You can add more textures in the SharedTextures Folder and they will appear on the right Pane. You can Create new Directories in the SharedTextures folder and they will appear as buttons in the right pane.
2. I have added a Material Creator/Editor. You can right click on a texture in the right pane and click "Create Shader". Textures ending in "_C" will be the color map, "_N" will be the normal map , "_S" will be the spec map. Also in the left pane if you check on "Edit", you can click on one of the the Color Textures on the right and it will recreate the material with that texture. You can also Right click to edit or explore the texture.
3. If you have an object selected you can filter out the material(s) on that object by clicking the "Show Selected Materials" button.
4. I have added a global AO Editor
5. Module previews are now rendered at an angle instead of front
6. Adjusted the UI to be more maya 2011 friendly
1. Added a Building Preview window under the window menu. This way you can preview all buildings in Render Ready. You can also build buildings by right clicking the images in this window.
2. Added 3 new module sets. NYOfficeA NYBrownStoneA NYBrownStoneB. These modules are not yet completly textured or optimized.
3. Fixed an issue in the City Builder That created circle and oval type buildings.
1. Updated geometry and textures fo the museumA module set
2. Changed Icons in the PC verstion to use .xpm file instead of .bmp This is now the same as the Mac version. This was done to prevent 2 different versions of the script
3. Added a props tab that contains Sky Boxes and will contain Props.
4. In the Export Tab there is now a Render Building Preview. This is the preview of the building in the RR_Building Tab. This needs to be renedered in the working file.
5. The install script no longer has install for both pc and mac but only install.
1.Updated textures on musem tileset
1. Removed the Industrial Folder because it would make the installer break
1. Added Industrial Style and Musem Style Buttons. Updated buttons so they have text under the image.
2. Created base Museum Modules
3. Added Create Project under the modules Tab. Projects are new modules set. This will Create the directorys and a working maya file.
4. Added error checking for images. Added a blank button for Styles.
1. Added an Export Tab and Modules Tab( This is still in development). The modules tab will be to help create custom modules
2. Added tutorial video on how to add new modules.
1. Added a new Installer for RenderReady that should make it easier to install render ready. Also added a video here on how to install Render Ready.
1. Updated the repath textures to update both working file and module file
2. Added convert RR maya files in the the help menu. This will open every module file and working file and repath all the textures and save it using the open version of maya. this has been tested between 2010 and 2011. will need to test other maya versions.
3. Added a progress bar for the convert RR maya files
1. Fixed a path issue in the install mel script
2. Added a repath textures in the help menu. This should only be used on the working file. This is needed if you have installed render ready to a location other than the Root of your HD. You will then have to re-export all the modules so the texture call is correct in the module files.
1. I changed the main function call to set the directory where you have installed Render Ready. (This way you can install RenderReady to any Directory). Read the New Install instrcutions above or in the text file inside the zip file
2. Added an install mel file (Read the Install.txt file in the zip file)
1. Updated The UI (some tabs have been moved to menus). The module export is now under the module tab
2. Maya files are now in ascii format instead of maya binary.
3. You can open and explore the working file by right clicking the building image.
4. You can now explore the modules by right clicking the module image.
5. A few more modules have been added to the NYAptA
1. Now works in 2011. (fixed a few UI items to work in 2011).
1. Good news mac users... Render Ready has been tested on maya 2010 for mac osX and is working. Avery special thanks to Trevor who tested it and helped me get the bugs out.
I have been getting alot of request to support mac so i will need mac testers to test this script. If you are using a mac use the source "/RenderReady/Tools/RenderReady_UI_mac.mel"; RenderReady_UI(); line. Please email me all errors if you get them.
Updated the UI
Added some optimizations to the mesh in the city create
There are corners on the buildings in the City Create
Fixed issues with division by zero when creating a building with multiple stacks in the City Create.
Added shader creation to the City Create.
Added Create Background and lights in the scene menu
Updates 2.11.2010 :
Fixed the Installer's default directory.
Updated the UI so when you click on the city tab.. the building types show on the right panel.
Added Stacks to the buildings (This creates muliple levels to the building).
Added Create Vertical Trim.
You can now Right click on one of the building icons and it will build at faces or objects.
You can now Create Custom Floor Plans to create buildings from. (Create a flat mesh at the Zero location on the Z) Polygon size will determine the width of the windows.)
You can now Edit the Height of the buildings by selecting a window row and using the Extend / Shorten in the edit Tab. Edit only the UP or Down. This will not adjust the vertical trim right now.
Updates 2.06.2010 :
fixed an issue when setting your export directory.
added a right click menu in the city builder on the building icons that allows you to build that specific building at a selected face.
City Buildings no longer get combined but instead get grouped.
Updates 2.05.2010 :
added different building shapes for the City Builder. (you can select which ones you want the city builder to create).
you can now convert a city built building into a custom module set building.
Optimized the way the city buildings are being built.
Updates 1.31.2010 :
added a city generation Tab. This will generate a simple city. you can have it build windows, roof and trim for each building.
- updated the UI.
- added some error checking when starting render ready for unit scale and up axis.
- added shader network clean up so you dont get duplicate shading networks.
- made the download file an exe zip file for easier installing
- Added a video Demo on this page
3.14.2010 Updates
1. Updated the UI. Now when you turn on and off windows, the option appears and disappers. Also with the roof settings.
2. Added extend city blocks so you can grow the city larger.(See the low poly city video)
3. Updated the Square buildings to randomly cut out the corners.
4. Added a random value to determine if the corners should be solid or windows when creating windows. (this only works on sharp crorners, Cylinder and Oval with not be affected.)
5. Adjusted How Oval Buildings are being created.
6. Updated how custom floorplans are being built. (Watch the custom floor plan video below).
7. Changed the Download to be a zip file instead of an .exe file
updated the UI.
added some error checking when starting render ready for unit scale and up axis.
added shader network clean up so you dont get duplicate shading networks.
made the download file an exe zip file for easier installing
updated some workflow issues. you can now predefine the size of the building being made. also if you build from boxes it will error check to make sure it has the correct name. Also added export path when creating your own modules.
Install Update:
If you have dowloaded a previous version of RenderReady you need to delete the RenderReady_UI_Beta.mel file out of the RenderReady/Tools directory. This mel file will get resourced and crash maya. Or you can just delete the whole directory(might be the best way).
1. Unzip to your C drive (do not unzip to a sub directory)
2. copy and paste these 2 lines into the script editor or create a button with these 2 lines.
source "/RenderReady/Tools/RenderReady_UI.mel";
Added the tools code that has export and render icons to allow you to make your own modules.
Create Modules
- Make sure your maya settings are are in CM and that your UP direction is in the Z
- Added naming convention of modules to the help tab.
- The best way to create your own modules is to create a sub-directory under the building your working on. This file will contain all your modules. I have included working files in this release
How to Export:
-If you have your directory structure set up like above, all you have to do is select the modules you want to export and click the export button (the export path will look for the working directory). If your working file is not in this location you can set the location by pressing set and setting the folder you want to export your modules to.
Rendering Modules:
- set your export directory.
- select the modules you want to render and click render module icons. (make sure your units are in CM or the rendering will not come out correct).
- Also make sure once the rendering starts you dont switch windows in maya.
- The image size created are 100 x 100 and in bmp format. (will be working on having options for this)
Added a link to the render ready homepage in the Help Tab(make sure to read the help page :) )
Added naming convention of modules to the help tab
I have included a forum on the web page. Any feedback is appreciated (good or bad).
Re-compressed the zip file using legacy compression. Sorry about that guys.
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