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Nightshade UV Editor 2.1.3 for Maya (maya script)

Nightshade UV Editor extends the Maya's UV Texture Editor with tools, scripts and a UI that greatly speed up the time it takes doing UV work.

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  • 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013

Operating Systems

  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:09/11/2016
File Size: 3.2 MB

Version History

v2.1.3 - Hotfix applied. Various bugfixes to the legacy Unfold UV's has been made.

v2.1.2 - Hotfix applied. Maya will no longer come to a halt when doing very large component selections!

v2.1.1 - Minor hotfix. Correction to the OSX install path in the manual, as well as two minor bugfixes.

v2.1 - Major update which includes Multi-Stitch, Multi-tile (UDIM) support, a faster Match UVs algorithm - and more!

v2.0.10 - Hotfix: Fixed a bug where the name of the current UV set would be split up into individual characters and prompt warnings in the script editor.

v2.0.9 - Hotfix: Fixed a bug where Align Shells would fail on a selection with only two shells. Fixed a bug where the same UV set would be displayed multiple times in the UV set list. Also made it possible to copy/paste both UV's and faces with the top bar icons without having to use the menu.

v2.0.8 - Hotfix: Fixed another bug with Orient Shells not always getting the correct orientation on shells. Also fixed minor errors with toolbar.mel and the improper display of the version number in the Titlebar and the About window.

v2.0.7 - Hotfix: Fixed a really nasty bug which caused Orient Shells to often fail when orienting shells.

v2.0.6 - Hotfix: Fixed some minor issues and updated all tooltips.

v2.0.5 - Hotfix: NSUV should now start up (using the shelf button) after having been closed down

v2.0.4 - Hotfix: NSUV should now work for Maya 2016 regardless of service pack installed

v2.0.3 - Hotfix: NSUV should no longer give a syntax error message about a row in panel.mel

v2.0.2 - Hotfix for the marking menu not working in Maya 2015.

v2.0.1 - Hotfixes in order to make NSUV work for Maya 2016/SP1 - and some other things

v2.0 - Major release. A lot of new features. NSUV is now split up into a free (non-commercial) and pro (commercial) version.

v1.6.1 - Stitch Edge renamed Stitch Together. Now supports UV selections and stitch direction. Hotfix to Straighten UVs also added.

v1.6 - Release. New feature: Stitch Edge. Similiar to 3D Studio Max' "Stitch selected". Several hotfixes added.

v1.5.1 - Custom UV mapping UI's added. Unfold and Relax now works on multiple meshes at once. Several hotfixes added.

v1.5 - Release. NSUV completely rewritten in PyMEL.

v1.4.1 - Hotfixes in order to make NSUV work for Maya 2014/2015

v1.4 - New snapshot UV window. Bypasses a bug with the uvSnapshot -Maya command that prevents the user from making rectangular UV layout snapshots. Fixed a bug with the straighten shell -tool and the quick rotate not properly using the last known pivot for rotation.

v1.3 - New features added, including: Randomize UV shells, Normalize shells, Snap shells, Layout U or V only. Also added PDF-manual and fixed some bugs.

v1.2 - Lots of new features, including straighten UV shell, match UVs and orient edge

v1.1.6 - Now works for Maya 2009 to 2013

v1.1.5 - Fixed an icon bug and made the UV Editor "liquid"

v1.1 - Adaptation for Maya 2009, 2010, 2011. 
Also fixed a bug where the label of the "align UV shells to furthest bottom UV" was displayed incorrectly.

v1.0 - First release for Maya 2012.