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need for speed car game 1.0.0 for Maya (maya script)

need for speed on ground and under ground

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  • 7.x

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:11/15/2011
File Size: 385 KB
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  • fady

    fady said over 17 years ago:

    hello ,I do like the car but, you can make it more reallity by ( crease proxy WITH Extrude ) , i think it will be more better , i mean you can make the door seprete and the same for every thging , and in the last make combind, i know that my english is very badddd , nice work, thank you Fady Ernist
  • Nahaz

    Nahaz said almost 18 years ago:

    Awesome, wish i knew how it worked!
  • alienpioneer

    alienpioneer said about 18 years ago:

    Hi! Great stuff! Perhaps a tutorial or some basics explanations? Please!
  • kiddjam

    kiddjam said over 18 years ago:

    seems like we dont need to buy games anymore.. excellent
  • k99

    k99 said almost 19 years ago:

    I follow the instruction and install everything i should. Please help. Here is the message: [Cannot find procedure "aaa". Start of trace: (command window: line 1). aaa (command window: line 1).] I wonder if Maya 7.01 cause this error? thanks
  • courtney williams

    courtney williams said over 19 years ago:

    I realy like the interface
  • 0_1

    0_1 said over 19 years ago:

    last user wanted to install the game by another way, he wasn't want to follow instruction. Result - nothing is work. Installation is easy if you follow it step-by-step. ANSWER: I don't test it on maya 7.01. Try 7.0. On 7.0 It's guaranted no bugs.

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