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Maya Version Conversion 0.0.1 for Maya (maya script)

Convert Maya ASCII or Binary files between different versions

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  • 2013, 2012

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:04/01/2013
File Size: 5.52 KB





Submitted by: jarud jarud

Did a basic 2012 test with a polygon sphere using a phong shader and a file texture converted to 2009.
When open this file in 2009 the sphere is missing the shadingEngine (SG) node.

But I’m afraid this is Autodesk thing and nothing to do with this tool :)

-jan erik 


Replies to this question:

  • procanic

    procanic said almost 12 years ago:

    hey jarud, thanks for the feedback! that's a strange issue though ... i tried to reproduce it (3 polyspheres w/ lambert, phong and phong+fileTexture), but it worked just fine here. a simple scene like that can probably just be opened in an older version using the "Ignore Version" flag anyways ;) ... we had pretty large 2012 files (ascii & binary, 1GB+) at work though, that wouldn't open in 2009 even with the "Ignore Version" flag turned on. a fix for that was to open the ascii file in a text editor and just replace the version string in any line that starts with 'requires' or 'fileInfo'. (Note: not every text editor can edit 1GB ascii files.) the tool basically does just that, but way faster than doing it manually in a text editor + it will automatically open binary files and save them as temporay ascii file, before they can be converted. so there's no big magic behind it - it's basically just a batch processor for the regular backwards conversion workflow ;) ... cheers! rob

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