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Maya Character Development kit 4.3.0 for Maya (maya script)

Character Development Kit (cdk).

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  • 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013

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Last Modified:07/07/2016
File Size: 640 KB


Rigging a prop with CDK

Submitted by: bboran bboran
Is it possible to rig props with cdk? do you have a demo for that?

thank you. 

Replies to this question:

  • Nilesh Jadhav

    Nilesh Jadhav said over 9 years ago: can rig props also with CDK. CDK is limited to characters. For riggimg props, you need to click on biped preset button, Delete root joint so that you will only have bipedPresetGroup. now add your joints to props. Make Sure to rename fiirst joint as "root" and it's label as root. parent root joint to empty bipedPresetGroup group. And generate your rig.
  • bboran

    bboran said about 9 years ago:

    its not working. i did what you said step by step but it doesnt generate any controls.
  • Nilesh Jadhav

    Nilesh Jadhav said about 9 years ago:

    could you explain wat ur trying to do?
  • bboran

    bboran said about 9 years ago:

    i did exactly what you said. when i click generate rig it doesnt create anything. controllers are not coming.
  • Nilesh Jadhav

    Nilesh Jadhav said about 9 years ago:

    Is your root joint is on grid?, If it is controllers come with zero scale, keep pressing plus button on cdk's control size panel until u get controls get scaled upto desired level.

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