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May9 - Maya custom tools and prefs 1.10.9 for Maya (maya script)

May9 is a set of settings and tools for Autodesk Maya, from community user base.

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  • 2016

Operating Systems

  • Linux
  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:06/06/2016
File Size: 23.3 MB

Feature Request

option not ot modify the maya UI and preserve preferences when installing

Submitted by:gX3 gX3
When installing May 9 would it be possible to add the option not to modify the current maya UI? Z menu and the collection of plug ins you have are excellent, but it is not good we have to reconfigure the UI to the way it was before installing May 9. If installation involves replacing the 2016 folder in Preferences with the one of May 9, it means I will lose my preferences and also will have to reinstall custom scripts and plugins. Would it be possible to install your plugin without having to redo my preferences and scripts?

Comments on this feature request:

  • Davide Alidosi

    Davide Alidosi said about 9 years ago:

    Hi gX3, about the first question, I think is possible create a script to convert the actual UI in to a standard UI, anyway for the moment you can: CTRL + M, CTRL + SHFT + M, SHIFT + M RMB on grip zone to enable: Shelf, Tool Box and Help line. For the second question, I already know the problem... Some time ago I try to convert May9 as module but the actual Maya architecture do not accept two userSetup.mel, maybe I can try again in the short future. Hope it help, Davide

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