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May9 - Maya custom tools and prefs 1.10.9 for Maya (maya script)

May9 is a set of settings and tools for Autodesk Maya, from community user base.

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  • 2016

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Last Modified:06/06/2016
File Size: 23.3 MB


userSetup.mel errors/warnings

Submitted byCharlieWales CharlieWales
Hi Davide, here are some small issues when starting up Maya. Not crucial but I prefer not to have any warning/error when maya starts.

1. When Preload DAG Menu Procedure there is a warning.
        dagMenuProc("", "");

// Warning: file: C:/Program Files/Autodesk/Maya2016/scripts/others/dagMenuProc.mel line 2912: Menu  doesn't exist. //

This hides the minor issue:
          catchQuiet("dagMenuProc(\"\", \"\")");

2. Custom Run Time Command "DockedOutliners" errors out when docking the outliner:
//No window found

Next code solves the minor issue;
if ( `dockControl -ex $dockedOutliner` )
    deleteUI -ctl $dockedOutliner;

global string $gMainWindow;
$horizontalLayout = `paneLayout -cn horizontal2 -ps 1 100 65 -ps 2 100 35 -p $gMainWindow`;
$dockedOutliner = `dockControl -l "Outliner / Quick Sets" -aa "left" -aa "right" -a "left" -w 230 -con $horizontalLayout`;
evalDeferred("control -e -p " + $horizontalLayout + " outlinerPanel1Window;");
evalDeferred("wl_quickSets;control -e -p " + $horizontalLayout + " wl_quickSetsWindow;");
inViewMessage -pos topCenter -msg "Outliner and Quick Sets docked to the left" -fade;

3. When sourcing "extractBlendShapes.mel" in userSetup.mel it also errors out:
// Error: file: c:/Users/USER/Documents/maya/2016/scripts/extractBlendShapes.mel line 52: No object matches name: //
gets executed with no object selected so it stops usersSetup from continuing execution, so if you put more code after this source statement it does not get executed (which is my case).

This solves the error;
        catchQuiet("source extractBlendShapes.mel");

Thanks and cheers.

Comments on this bug:

  • Davide Alidosi

    Davide Alidosi said over 9 years ago:

    Hi Charlie, as always very TNX for help! Your fix are perfect and I have already included in 1.6.3.
  • CharlieWales

    CharlieWales said over 9 years ago:

    Cool! You are welcome.

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