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Mari2Maya 1.0.1 for Maya (maya script)

This Script Automatically sets up All given Texture Patches into a Layered Texture.

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  • 2012

Operating Systems

  • Irix
  • Linux
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  • Solaris
  • Windows


Last Modified:03/26/2012
File Size: 2.45 KB


Tutorial steps

Submitted by: Brittany Drew Brittany Drew

I'm following the steps you've listed but I am not achieving the layered texture result. I unfortunately am not to familiar with python scripting so I'm not sure what is missing or not set up correctly. If you could help me that would be wonderful.


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    AnimationManiac said almost 13 years ago:

    Hi Brittany, Let's see. (Note: It has to be entered in the Python TAB in the Script Editor.) 1. Make sure all your UVs are within the '0 - 10' space horizontally. Which I assume they probably are. 2. It is very important that the Names of the files are correctly formatted. Eg. $ENTITY_$CHANNEL_$UDIM.tif >> Castle07_color_1003.tif 3. After you drag the files from a Folder directly into the Hypershade, Make sure before you run the Command, you have selected all the 'File nodes' in the Hypershade Work Area, and NOT the Placement Nodes etc. 4. If you run the Command in the Command Line, make sure it says Python on the left of it. Hopefully this gives a clearer picture and your problem gets solved. If Not, then maybe try describing where it's going wrong for you. If there's an Error, or the Script just doesn't work. Infact, if possible add a Screenshot. Cheers, Kushal.
  • jens2001

    jens2001 said almost 13 years ago:

    Hi nice script but i got these Error
  • Replyindent

    AnimationManiac said almost 13 years ago:

    Hi jens2001, I see the issue here. You need to add '_$UDIM' at the end of the Filename of the Texture when you're exporting it from MARI. That is how my Script will know which UV patch the texture belongs to. So ideally, your texture name should look like, wolfcolor_1001, wolfcolor_1002 and so on, or some variation of that. That should get the script running. Let me know how it goes. Cheers, Kushal.
  • jens2001

    jens2001 said almost 13 years ago:

    great works! it was the underscore before wolfcolor.1001.jpg after wolfcolor_1001.jpg cheers j

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