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FREE Slap On Auto Rigging for Body and Face 4.0.0 for Maya (maya script)

Rig any bipedal character in minutes... for FREE!

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  • 2016

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Last Modified:05/31/2018
File Size: 13.6 MB


No Place to Install

Submitted by: tso2me tso2me
I have followed the prescribed proceedure to install this software, but the folder that is stated does not exist on my MacBook Pro.  I've typed in the command line structure and was informed that there is no such directory.  I'm using Maverick on my system.  Am I missing something here or is what I'm looking for somewhere else.  I've actually installed the folder directly into the preferences folder in Maya 2014 and still have nothing to show for it.  I took the free version to test it out......I would have been very upset had I spent the money and had this same problem with the full version.  I'm including a screenshot of my search results trying to find the correct folder for instalation.

Replies to this question:

  • badmanjam

    badmanjam said over 10 years ago:

    I do try and keep my information as up to date as possible. here is some info: Mac OS X /Users//Library/Preferences/Autodesk/maya/2015/prefs Note: Do one of the following to open the Preferences directory using Mac OS X Lion: Select Finder > Go > Go to Folder and type the directory path (/Users//Library/Preferences). From the Terminal window, navigate to the Preferences directory and type open. This Info was found here:,topicNumber=d30e51570 Can you please tell me if this is accurate for Maverick so I may update my video? tx
  • tso2me

    tso2me said over 10 years ago:

    This fix worked.......sort of. Everything is where it's supposed to be now, but i keep getting an error message when I try to load the slap on rig.
  • Replyindent

    badmanjam said over 10 years ago:

    Great! Glad to see we've got progress. I have updated the Slap On Free version. It should work now, if you copy over all the Mel files. It has been thoroughly tested!
  • badmanjam

    badmanjam said over 10 years ago:

    Thanks for the update. Can you please send me the prefs location for maverick? The script must work if all the scripts, shelf and icons are in the prefs folder. It has been tested thoroughly. I'll investigate the problem as soon as I can.
  • Replyindent

    tso2me said over 10 years ago:

    The line is as follows ~/Library/Preferences/AutoDesk/Maya2014/pref Now there was a big problem here. The folder didn't go to the exiting folder within the preferences folder, it just added a new folder which didn't really do anything. I moved the contents(copy and paste) to the appropriate folders and that's when the shelf and icons appeared. The error message I get is that the script can not be found for any of the control icons on the shelf. I'm not a newbie with PC's, but I'm somewhat new with Mac's. I've tried to see the Mel file for the script to see where it wants things, but your file is understandably locked so I need to rely on your understanding of both system and software to help resolve this issue. This could be a great time saver for me if I could just get it to work. I can build a decent rig, it just takes some time to get every thing in order. As you know, time is sometimes very limited to complete a project. If we can get these minor issues resolved and i can see that this WILL work for me, then I will get the full paid version. Not going to buy something if I can't see it work on my machine. the videos you created are so instruction and easy to follow, I just wish the installation would be as easy. Here's to finding a solution. Looking forward to your reply and hopefully fix. Tim

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