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Fill Selection MEL 1.0.0 for Maya (maya script)

A tool to select parts ot the mesh based on edgeloops

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  • 2013


Last Modified:04/19/2016
File Size: 1.99 KB
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  • Qu!ck

    Qu!ck said almost 7 years ago:

    // Fill Selection Tool for Maya - 2016 (2017, 2018) version
    // Author: Daniel Brkovic, Tom Ferstl
    // Special Thanks to: Tom Ferstl, Karsten Wagenknecht, David Kirchner, Kyra Buschor
    // Date: 27-03-2018

    global string $fsProject[], $fsUVCut[];
    global proc fillSelection()
    scriptJob -ro 1 -e "SelectionChanged" selectionFillFinish;

    global proc selectionFillStart()
    global string $fsProject[], $fsUVCut[];
    string $edgeSelection[] = `ls -sl`;
    string $objectSelection[] = `ls -sl -o`;
    // UV Projection to create a shell for the selection
    string $fsProject[] = `polyProjection -type Planar -ibd on -cm on -uvSetName selectionFill -md x ($objectSelection[0] + ".f[*]")`;
    polyUVSet -currentUVSet -uvSet "selectionFill" $objectSelection[0];
    string $fsUVCut[] = `polyMapCut $edgeSelection`;

    global proc selectionFillFinish()
    global string $fsProject[], $fsUV[], $fsUVCut[];
    polyUVSet -d -uvSet "selectionFill";
    // get history before deleteUV command
    string $historyIntersector;
    $historyIntersector = `stringArrayIntersector`;
    string $initialArray[] = `listHistory`;
    stringArrayIntersector -edit -intersect $initialArray $historyIntersector;
    // get current history nodes for intersector after
    stringArrayIntersector -edit -intersect `listHistory` $historyIntersector;
    string $result[] = `stringArrayIntersector -query $historyIntersector`;
    // get difference history nodes
    string $diff[] = stringArrayRemoveExact($result, `listHistory`);
    // delete intersector and difference history nodes
    deleteUI $historyIntersector;

    delete $diff;
    delete $fsUVCut;
    delete $fsProject;


  • D Kasper

    D Kasper said almost 8 years ago:

    Hi Daniel, thank you for putting together an awesome script.
  • MKote

    MKote said almost 9 years ago:

    same situation((
  • Daniel Brkovic

    Daniel Brkovic said over 10 years ago:

    Hi. Thanks for the feedback! I experience the same problem here. Although it sometimes still works. I'll have a look.
  • szmatefy

    szmatefy said over 10 years ago:

    On Maya 2015 I select an edge loop, and running the script switches to face selection mode, and clicking results in all faces selected situation...
  • evadceivorus

    evadceivorus said over 12 years ago:

    Does the job, but it took me a while to figure out that a button click is needed to finish the script job. Could use a better step by step, a speed pass and most importantly, it needs to be able to preserve the users state of Maya (i.e. respecting the component selection mode I am currently in)

    HEO MANHONG said about 13 years ago:

    Hi. First of all, I'm poor at English. Please understand this I was needed something like this!!! but How can i use this script? If possible, Can you explain a little more detail this script? I tried, as described below. I've put the fillSelection file on the scriptfold. C:\Users\******\Documents\maya\scripts Then, I was slected edge loops that i want to place, I ran the script. The end, Thank you for developing a good script. ps. Now the script is running well. Thank you very much. I am so happy because this script!!
  • Julinoleum

    Julinoleum said about 13 years ago:


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