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dpAutoRigSystem 3.9.1 for Maya (maya script)

Free Auto Rig System for Maya

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  • 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011

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Last Modified:04/21/2020
File Size: 649 KB
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  • Ani wxy

    Ani wxy said over 9 years ago:

    Thanks for providing this great modular auto-rigging scripts . Ur module's base is strong for further developments . I'll say its almost production standard . Keep developing it . gl
  • vanzan

    vanzan said over 11 years ago:

    This tool is wonderful. I hope that sooner or later be converted for maya 2014 ... I need it!
  • Cyberika

    Cyberika said over 12 years ago:

    Awesome tool! After using it about 3 weeks I found it very useful. Thanks one more time!
  • Cyberika

    Cyberika said over 12 years ago:

    Nice tool. Thanks. Just one question - how do you create fk waist control for biped? And why the chest's pivot point is not on t chest control? How do you solve this problem? Actualy it was 2 questions :)))
  • Ali_as hasan

    Ali_as hasan said almost 13 years ago:

    thank you - number one _ 2 2 1 next generation eyes controller preset please ???
  • Scorpion_laz

    Scorpion_laz said about 13 years ago:

    Thank you very much, Nilouco, for your great script that will really help to automate the common gigging tasks. However you should really compare your work with Pritish Dogra’s PKD Rig System, which in my opinion has some advantages. Please don’t get me wrong, I just want to point some things out that could be made better in future versions. First, the spines. Probably I should have tested your system for a long time but I could not find out a lot of options for spine creation. Sometimes it makes sense to control each joint individually but for most cases two or three controls are sufficient. PKD is not ideal either—it’s “Divine” option does not provide a very smooth bending and “Awesome” option adds just two controls, which is good for most cases but the curvature cannot be edited without disassembling the rig. Second, the hierarchy and joint orientation. The system is really smart but it would be great to see, how all the parts of the rig are assembled—the order of parenting is not visible. I believe that your autorig does a good job at orienting the joints, but probably it’s a good idea to give a user some more control. Even if we have a biped model, it can be posed differently—for example I had a model with hook-like fingers. Of course a manual orientation of joints is very important in such case. Double joints in limbs are great and the extra joint between elbow and wrist is very useful! Your system does have a lot of potential—thanks again for sharing it with our community.
  • bubbatt

    bubbatt said over 13 years ago:

    Hi,Simon,great thanks for this script,this is incredibly accelerated own works,thankyou so much.excellence work.
  • Simbeg

    Simbeg said over 13 years ago:

    Very nice. Thank you for the tuturial ! // Simon

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