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djBuildPoleVector.mel 1.0.0 for Maya (maya script)

pole vector constraint with no joint rotation

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  • 8.x, 7.x

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:06/24/2007
File Size: 4.45 KB
Select control object and ik handle and run djBuildPoleVector. A pole vector contraint is created without rotating the joints.

There are several scripts available that create a pole vector constraint and place a control object or locator at exactly the right place so that the joints don't rotate. However, djBuildPoleVector lets you place the control object anywhere you want. The pole vector is constrained to your control object and the ikHandle.twist attribute is set so that the joints don't rotate.

NOTE: djBuildPoleVector.mel requires that you also install nilsNoFlipIK.mel (written by Nils Lerin), which can be downloaded here at highend3d.

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