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Denny's Character MirrorTable Utility 1.8.0 for Maya (maya script)

Mirror any controllers and attributes in a character rig.

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  • 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:05/12/2015
File Size: 75.5 KB

Feature Request

2013 update

Submitted by:axelone axelone
Is it possible to have it updated for maya 2013? i tried to use it with maya 2013 but it acts weird, i cannot see all the controls inside the manager and it creates a double mirroring, let's say we have a translation in +z with swinging arms, i press the mirror or switch and it will mirror also the translation so if the character goes +z, after the mirroring it goes -z (i don't know if it's a bug also for the previous maya versions or am i doing something wrong?)

Comments on this feature request:

  • Denny Lindberg

    Denny Lindberg said over 11 years ago:

    I have not tried the script in Maya 2013 but I am aware of the differences. I'm afraid I will never get the chance to fix this issue though, this due to life priorities. I'm going to leave the script available on CreativeCrash but announce it as dropped. Thank you for using the script, I hope someone else is up to the task of making a proper character mirroring tool. (I'm looking at you Autodesk!)

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