put archive content in prefs folder C:\Users\__SOME_NAME__\Documents\maya\2016.5
If shelf 'ysvTools' not loaded, load it manually from 'prefs/shelfs' folder
click on shelf button to shoot tool, double click for options UI
LMB click-drag :
for paint curve on the virtual plane that has current camera "point of interest" and is parallel to view plane
if start or/and end curve is on top of some poly(it must be visible at the moment you start tool),
cvs will snap to that poly object
Ctrl+LMB click-drag:
paint on poly surface(no need to select or make live)
poly must be visible at the moment you start tool
Shift+LMB click drag:
smooth curve from start click to release mouse button
(you just mark cv on which start cmooth operation and end cv - it is NOT BRUSH)
CTRL+Shift+ LMB:
same effect but much stronger
deselect curve
tweak curve CV that is closest to cursor
Ctrl MMB:
change soft selection radius
Shift MMB:
tweak curve with soft selection
Ctrl Shift MMB:
tweak curves that is on screen with soft selection
Ctrl Shift Alt MMB:
move curve ends with soft selection
Thats all, happy tweaking!!!
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