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carlaH_skinWeightsEditor.mel 1.5.0 for Maya (maya script)

Edit your skin weights by slider-dragging.

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  • 8.x, 7.x, 6.x

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:08/17/2008
File Size: 60.6 KB
  • edit your weights easyly by slider dragging instead of putting weight-values uncomfortably in the component editor
  • holding and undholding weights for as much joints as you want
  • sorting joints by names
  • edit skin-weights for more than one joint at once
  • real-time feedback for the results due to editing weights easyly while rig is in pose
  • selecting vertices that are influenced by choosen joint (you can define a threshhold)

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  • Gábor Richárd Rákossy
    Gábor Richárd Rákossy
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    thina msu
  • rushcg
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