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animSelector - the fast picker! 1.3.5 for Maya (maya script)

A quick way to set hotkeys for your character rig

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Last Modified:11/25/2013
File Size: 210 KB


maya, animation, selection, GUI

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  • Oriolys

    Oriolys said over 3 years ago:

    Game changing , just installed it in Maya 2022. Works like a Charm! Many Thanks!!!
  • dodosponge

    dodosponge said over 3 years ago:

    Love it
  • said almost 11 years ago:

    Love it :) Thanks a ton
  • mdobrez

    mdobrez said about 11 years ago:

    Found a quick fix for anyone having issues re-ordering the selector buttons with the middle-mouse button. Make sure in the animSelector Preferences that Dockable picker is checked. Next dock the animSelector picker on the side and now you can re-order the buttons. (OSX 10.9.2).
  • JonDoe257

    JonDoe257 said over 11 years ago:

    Hi Luca, Thanks for the quick reply and fix chum. I'll give it a try. Mainly there was only 1 problem. The button colors and orders did not load correctly but the selection sets worked. When the colors and orders was correct the selection did not work. I guess it had something to do with Maya 2014, AnimSelector and the name spaces not being recognized. Other than that, everything works. =) Thanks again, will try and let you know. UPDATE: I used the new script and it works perfectly. All the colors, button orders and selections are loaded with the referenced file. One small thing I noticed, If you change the Namespace of the referenced object while animSelector picker is open, then selection buttons no longer work, which is expected. Since the namespace of the object has changed. The Fix, is to use the picker script. import animSelector reload (animSelector) animSelector.PickerUI() Since it 'Reloads' the script, everything syncs up again. I'm using the picker with the toggle hotkey script you gave me once. Would it be possible to add the 'Reload' command to the toggle script as well. So when the hotkey is pressed, it will also refresh the picker and sync with any changes made to the character namespaces. Just a thought. =) import maya.cmds as mc import animSelector if mc.dockControl('pickerDock', q=True, exists=True): pickerDockState = mc.dockControl('pickerDock', q=True, visible=True) mc.dockControl('pickerDock', e=True, visible=(1 - pickerDockState)) else: animSelector.PickerUI() Thanks for all your help and support on this awesome script Luca. What's more awesome than a good script is it's creator backing it up! =) You should definitely post this up on the 11SecondClub Forum, its full of animators who would love this script. I'm sure most of them know about animSelector but I haven't seen any official thread or posts about it. Here's a link to an ongoing discussion about Animation Tool Requests. =)
  • Luca Fiorentini

    Luca Fiorentini said over 11 years ago:

    Hi Jon, I did a quick fix and now it should load button's color and position correctly. Please download the new version and tell me if it works :) About the other issue I don't really understand what is going on. The update feature should be used only to update an old setup (I changed the attribute names a couple of version ago). If you face the problem again could you please tell more details about it? Thanks!
  • JonDoe257

    JonDoe257 said over 11 years ago:

    Hi Luca, It's been a while. I'm trying the script with Maya 2014 and I can confirm it works. =) Although I'm having a small problem when I reference the character rig into the scene. I created the AnimSelector Set and saved it inside the rig's source file. Then referenced the rig into a new scene, the buttons and selections work. But the colors are gone and button order has changed. This happens "Sometimes". But, When you close Maya and re-open scene again, the button colors and order is correct, but the selection sets do not work. The only fix I have found is to hit "Update" on AnimSelector Setup. Then the selection for referenced rig work, but colors and order is messed up again. MR HOLLYWOOD, Did you by any chance come across this situation when using Maya 2014? Still an awesome script and looking forward to more great tools from you Luca. Take care. - Gibran
  • Luca Fiorentini

    Luca Fiorentini said almost 12 years ago:

    Hi MrH. Thanks for the feedback, I had not been able to try it yet. Good news!

    MR HOLLYWOOD said almost 12 years ago:

    Hi Luca ..... I tried your script in Maya 2014 and so far it seems to be OK. Cheers MR H
  • Luca Fiorentini

    Luca Fiorentini said almost 12 years ago:

    Hi Haluk! There is an explanation video here (I'll update the description on creative crash to make it more visible right now). Please keep in mind that the video has been recorded with the first release of the tool so, while the base workflow is exactly the same, some things have changed. You can read about the changes on my blog and, if you have any more question, please write me :)

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