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Animation Copy 3.0.1 for Maya (maya script)

Animation and Pose Copy

Button download


  • 2015

Operating Systems

  • Windows


Last Modified:01/15/2015
File Size: 43.3 KB


Pose, animation

"Animation Copy" tools allow Maya users to record poses, animations in text files.Pose and Animations are stored in *.pose and *.anm format respectively. Users can open the file with notepad and edit the key data.The script copying and pasting the animation keys based on the NAME of the nodes. Namespace is supported (option box must be checked). Animation can be offset by select frame on the playback timeline.
What's new in Version 3.0
1) support Namespace(i.e Male1:Hips). Tick the "Targets use Namespace" checkbox if targets nodes have "Namespace"
2) Batch Transfer has been removed/separated to an independent tool
3) able to copy pose and animation based on SELECTED nodes only.
4) add option to be able to undo after Pasting animations. (when enabled, Maya would crash if the data is too big to handle by memory)

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