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Align Tool 1.2.0 for Maya (maya script)

Align objects tool like 3dsmax's one (with interactive feedback))

Button download


  • 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010

Operating Systems

  • Linux
  • Mac
  • Windows


Last Modified:09/09/2015
File Size: 12.1 KB


Align, matrix

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  • focusgfx

    focusgfx said over 11 years ago:

    have you checked your directory separator ? if you're running windows try replacing "\" with "/" also be sure that the path to the UI file exists
  • kbret kbret

    kbret kbret said over 11 years ago:

    # Error: IOError: 22 i am getting this error while i try to excute this script mate , i downloaded , installed and copied the files as you said , i changed the directory and all , what is the solution for this
  • nojule

    nojule said over 11 years ago:

    Maybe this would work better if you actually had the "site-packages" folder in the download folder! Inside the python folder there are loads of other folders, i am guessing no-body knows where they should put the two files! A simple step by step instruction would help and especially if the instructions you gave actually contained the right file structure.
  • focusgfx

    focusgfx said over 11 years ago:

    [Angelo Vildasol] it's so easy to edit the py file to point at your path, just edit the line UIFile = "THE PATH TO THE .ui FILE" ex: UIFile = "/volumes/mayascripts/AlignObjects/AlignObjects.ui" that's all you need, and yes the python version works on mac osx
  • Angelo Vildasol

    Angelo Vildasol said over 11 years ago:

    I'm still incredibly confused as to how I need to edit this py file path for the script to work on a MAC. I'm running OS X 10.8.2. Your installation instructions only cover the process for editing the a PC path. Could you possibly post a screenshot of how the path should look? Also, does the current version of python even work for my MAC OS version? Hope you can help me out here. Thanks!
  • FOBulous

    FOBulous said almost 12 years ago:

    Thanks for adding a Mac version.
  • focusgfx

    focusgfx said almost 12 years ago:

    glad to hear it worked on osx as I've never tried it on mac
  • Fake Pilot

    Fake Pilot said almost 12 years ago:

    Works great on OSX 10.8 Mountain Lion and Maya 2013 SP2. Used PyQT4 for Maya 2013 OSX Lion: Also created this PNG from Photoshops align and made a shelf button. You can use it if you want:
  • focusgfx

    focusgfx said almost 12 years ago:

    yes it is possible, just download pyqt for maya 2011
  • Alexandr Chernega

    Alexandr Chernega said about 12 years ago:

    It is possible to establish on 2011?

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